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Presentation on theme: "Civilization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Civilization

2 Civilization- an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of science, industry, and government has been reached. Society- a group that shares a common culture (values, language, traditions)

3 What basic needs have to be met for humans to create a civilization like the one we described?
Food Water Shelter Safety Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs


5 Do you think this theory has merit?
Give a modern example that would support this theory? School Iraq

6 So if we agree that this is true…
What did the Paleo-Indians (1st Americans) need before they could create complex societies or civilizations? * Consistent food source Lets backtrack:

7 I. The First People of the Americas A. Ice Age (50,000 -10,000 BC)
1. Ice was 2 miles thick & spread as far south as Kentucky 2. Water level was so low that it revealed a land bridge b/ween Asia and Alaska 3. This area today is called the Bering Strait or Beringia Applied: No written records so have to rely on archaeology (study of unwritten past) & artifacts (remains of objects made by humans)

8 - strait- narrow water channel that connects 2 larger bodies of water
4. Nomad- person who moves from place to place in search of food & water a. Believed to be from the Middle East, these people followed herds of animals (big game) across land bridge b. Over thousands of years groups migrated- (moved) into North and South America 5. Ice Age ended about 12, ,000 yrs ago Applied: Paleo-Indians were hunter-gatherers CP: May have arrived as early as 22,000 yrs ago End of Age switched to small game, fishing, & gathering

9 2. Corn (Maize) 1st crop they learned to grow- 5,000 BC
B. Complex Societies 1. Development of farming (agriculture) allowed people to stop moving in search of food 2. Corn (Maize) 1st crop they learned to grow- 5,000 BC 3. Olmec people create the 1st civilization- collapsed around 400 BC 4. Mayans ( AD), Aztecs (both in Mexico) & Incas (1200AD) (Peru) created large cities rivaling European cities Applied: End of Ice Age created new environments (climates & landscapes that surround living things). Domestication (breeding of plants or animals for human needs) CP: After maize: gourds, pumpkins, peppers, & beans Some stayed nomadic

10 a. Religion extremely important as evidence by…
1) Huge pyramid-type temples and palaces in each village center- used for ceremonies/sacrifices to their gods 2) Priests ruled or had high positions of power b. Used writing- symbols or images to record history c. Advanced in Math & Astronomy- used a calendar d. Expressed themselves with Art Applied: glyphs (symbols that represent ideas)

11 C. Early North American farming societies
1. The Anasazi ( AD) lived in present day Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, & Utah a. Lived in pueblos- villages among high hills & deep canyons b. Made of cut stone or adobe- sun baked clay c. Used irrigation techniques to raise crops Applied: Anasazi used irrigation techniques to overcome lack of water CP: Hohokam in Arizona Adena, Hopewell, & Mississippians excelled in trade & building

12 2. Hopewell (300BC- 400AD) lived along Mississippi & Ohio rivers
- Built large burial mounds 3. Mississippians (700AD- 1500’s) would replace the Hopewells - Also built large pyramid burial mounds

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