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GPS Pedometer.

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1 GPS Pedometer

2 GPS Pedometer Dec 02-09 Presented: 11/14/02 Client: Senior Design
Group Members Dan Luchsinger Charles Thomas Dave Myers Joey Kremer Faculty Advisors C. “Jolly” Triska Glenn Hillesland Technical Advisor Robert Weber

3 Overview Problem Statement Design Objectives End Product Description
Assumptions and Limitations Technical Approach Milestones Budgets

4 Overview Cont. Risks & Risk Management Lessons Learned
Recommendations For Future Work Summary Questions

5 Problem Statement The objective of this project is to develop a non-athletic track-oriented pedometer that would sell commercially for no more than $100. Its features include: A distance calculation based upon global position satellite (GPS) data. Elapsed time measurement. Average speed in miles per hour.

6 Design Objectives Design Functionality Design Constraints
-Provide fairly inexpensive, accurate and interactive pedometer for people who exercise outdoors. Design Constraints -Software cost will be less than $100 -Weigh less than 1.5 lbs -Compact dimensions Intended Users / Uses -Runners, cyclists, rollerbladers, canoers -Display elapsed time, distance traveled, average speed, and total calories burned

7 End Product Description
The GPS Pedometer is a combination of a GPS receiver connected to a Palm PDA, via a data cable. The Palm PDA contains software that is implemented using Java to interact with the user. The developed software will retail for less than $100.                                               

8 Assumptions and Limitations
The user already owns a PDA and GPS Receiver The software is limited to serial port based Palm PDA’s Weather will not affect the unit The GPS Pedometer will not be dropped from a great height The software for the GPS Pedometer will retail for less than $100 The unit must be lightweight GPS resolution is at best 6.1 feet

9 Technical Approach Hardware Software - GPS receiver - Palm m105 PDA
- Serial port connections Software - Java interpreter on Palm OS - Interactive software prompts user for weight, age, sex, and activity

10 Technical Approach

11 Milestones Display GPS data on PC Connect GPS receiver and PDA
Complete Java code Complete GPS Pedometer implementation

12 Financial Budget Parts Estimated Cost Actual Cost 2 GPS receivers $250
$0 PDA $150 $106 Data Cable $35 $8 Poster $50 Bound Project Plan $10 Totals $495 $174

13 Personnel Effort Budget
Team Member Estimated Effort Actual Effort Dan Luchsinger 170 Hours 112 Hours Charles Thomas 175 Hours 105 Hours Dave Myers 180 Hours 123 Hours Joey Kremer 106 Hours Totals 695 Hours 446 Hours

14 Risk and Risk Management
Loss of a team member Failure to procure equipment donations Unable to receive accurate GPS data Failure to meet design expectations

15 Lessons Learned Communication is essential
Time management is important Meet Weekly Have Fun

16 Recommendations for Future Work
Add additional customized features -Incorporate sound features -Add power-saving schemes Create software for all PDA models

17 Summary

18 Questions?

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