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Chapter 6: Progressivism

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1 Chapter 6: Progressivism

2 The Big Picture Activists fought to make America’s economic and political systems fairer Main Idea: 3 Main areas of reform: easing suffering of urban poor, improve labor conditions, reforming government

3 Muckrakers Journalists who printed stories about injustice
Most articles focused on business and political corruption Ida Tarbell was a famous muckraker She wrote about how John Rockefeller crushed his competition Lincoln Steffens exposed corruption in cities


5 What issues did progressives work on and what helped energize their causes?
Relief of the poor, reforming government, improving work conditions Got support for their causes by writing articles and exposing people.

6 Housing Reforms Tenament Reform Act 1901
Had install lighting in public hallways One toilet per two families

7 Civil Rights Creation of the NAACP (National Association for the advancement of Colored People) Fought for the rights of African Americans Tried unsuccessfully to ban “Birth of a Nation” ADL (Anti-Defamation League) founded by Sigmund Livingston Improved public opinion of Jewish people

8 Reforming the workplace
1893 Florence Kelley persuaded Illinois to outlaw child labor & limit the number of hours women could work Laws varied from state to state and sometimes were not enforced Laborers continued to be paid very low wages 40%of families lived in poverty Began working for minimum wage1912 Massachusetts became 1st state to have a minimum wage 1923 Federal Government issues a minimum wage

9 Business owners began to sue the state
Supreme court in New York sided with businesses Supreme Court in Oregon sided with workers

10 How did progressives reform the workplace?
Prohibited child labor, limited the number of hours in a work day, started a minimum wage

11 Significance of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire
140 employees died, most were 15 or 16 What conditions contributed to the tragedy? Overcrowded, dangerous with fabric around, emergency exits blocked off, elevators only carried 10 people at a time, firetrucks could not reach fire

12 Creation of labor unions
Won shorter work week and higher wages

13 Reforming Government Wanted to eliminate political corruption and make government more efficient Began to set up committees of commissioners to hold mayors accountable Robert M LaFollette pushed the Wisconsin idea (limits on campaign spending, regulated railways and utilities, and taxation)


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