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2nd Asia Tier Centre Forum Summary report 4th April 2017 edoardo

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1 2nd Asia Tier Centre Forum Summary report 4th April 2017 edoardo
2nd Asia Tier Centre Forum Summary report 4th April 2017

2 ATCF2 Numbers - Hosted at Suranaree University of Technology, TH
- 2,5 days - 20 participants + 3 remote speakers - 11 institutions: KISTI and Konkuk univ. (KR), SUT and UniNet (TH), Hiroshima Univ (JP), Indonesia Inst. of Science (ID), COMSATS (PK), CCNU (CN), TEIN (Asia), GEANT (EU), CERN (CH)

3 Participants

4 Reports

5 Reports from WLCG Sites
Thailand Connected to LHCONE via TEIN at 622Mbps Indonesia - No LHCONE yet, network uplink 200Mbps Pakistan - No LHCONE yet, network uplink 54Mbps

6 Reports from WLCG Sites
Japan - LHCONE by SINET, peering with ESnet at 10Gbps and GEANT at 20Gbps China - No LHCONE yet

7 Reports from WLCG Sites
Korea - LHCOPN 10G and LHCONE 10G by KREOnet and GLORIAD-KR

8 Reports from Network Providers
TEIN (Asia) - LHCOPN VRF implemented in the backbone - Peering with GEANT - Connected VRFs: Thailand GLORIAD-KR (Korea) - LHCOPN VRF implemented - No peerings yet

9 Reports from Network Providers
UniNet (Thailand) - implemented LHCONE VRF for SUT GEANT (EU) - LHCONE is expanding in Asia: SINET JP, TIFR IN, TEIN, Thairen and UniNet TH, ASGC TW

10 LHCONE implementation in Asia

11 Challenge 1: keep delay (RTT) low
Traffic between Asian countries must be routed within Asia (avoid transit to another continent or around the world)

12 Challenge 2: achieve full reachability
Full reachability to all LHCONE sites is not achieved today KISTI CNAF MIT KREONET GARR TEIN Continental VRFs GEANT Internet2 X

13 Possible solutions Low delay:
- Asian networks mesh their VRFs together, or - Asian VRFs get interconnected by a regional backbone Full reachability: - full mesh of VRFs, or - small VRFs get full transit from major VRFs

14 Status of LHCONE VRFs in Asia
ESnet US AS293 ThaiREN TH AS24475 CERNlight CH AS20641 SINET JP AS2907 ASGCNet TW AS24167 TEIN Asia AS24490 TEIN gives transit to reach GEANT KREONET KR AS17579 ERnet IN AS2697 International National GEANT EU AS20965 LHCONE peering in place Only physical connection in place

15 Missing peerings ESnet ThaiREN CERNlight SINET ASGCNet TEIN KREONET
US AS293 ThaiREN TH AS24475 CERNlight CH AS20641 SINET JP AS2907 ASGCNet TW AS24167 TEIN Asia AS24490 KREONET KR AS17579 ERnet IN AS2697 International National GEANT EU AS20965 LHCONE peering in place Missing LHCONE peering

16 Missing items - TEIN VRF is not visible outside the GEANT domain (no transit through GEANT VRF) - KREONET VRF not peering with anything yet - ASGCnet VRF not connected to TEIN, KREONET, SINET yet. Planning to connect to APAN-JP - SINET VRF not connected to any Asian VRF

17 Agreed TODO list Implement missing peerings
Start with peerings with TEIN ATCF future - discuss letter of agreement - ATCF #3 may be hosted by KISTI KR, right before the next LHCONE meeting in Asia - Involve more network operators

18 More information on ATCF2
Web site: Agenda and presentations

19 After the forum

20 Latest events Contacted KEK for SINET connection to TEIN
- SINET will not give transit for the time being - Peerings will be activated in Singapore first, then Hong Kong - have to wait till June because the bandwidth in Singapore turned out to be just 1Gbps now TEIN will peer with Korea and Taiwan, after TEIN routers in Singapore and Hong Kong will be upgraded in July-August 2017

21 LHCONE in China - Two sites in China need LHCONE connectivity: IHEP (Beijing) and CCNU (Wuhan) - CERnet and CSTnet have been asked to implement LHCONE VRFs and peer with other VRFs in Beijing and Hong Kong (TEIN, ASGCnet)

22 Upcoming peerings ESnet ThaiREN CERNlight SINET ASGCNet TEIN KREONET
US AS293 ThaiREN TH AS24475 CERNlight CH AS20641 SINET JP AS2907 ASGCNet TW AS24167 TEIN Asia AS24490 KREONET KR AS17579 CERNet CSTNet China International ERnet IN AS2697 National GEANT EU AS20965 LHCONE peering in place Missing LHCONE peering Upcoming LHCONE peering

23 Questions

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