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4 February 2014 Internet2 Liaison Report APAN Member Meeting Heather Boyles.

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Presentation on theme: "4 February 2014 Internet2 Liaison Report APAN Member Meeting Heather Boyles."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 February 2014 Internet2 Liaison Report APAN Member Meeting Heather Boyles

2 Quick Outline APAN-Internet2 partnership highlights Partnerships in place APAN community at Internet2 Connectivity between our communities Internet2 2004 priorities Upcoming Internet2 Meetings

3 APAN – Internet2 partnership APAN – Internet2 Memorandum of Understanding Since June1999 –Providing for/promoting interconnection between our respective institutions –Collaboration on advanced technology and applications development –Promoting the transfer of technology to the wider education community and the commercial marketplace

4 Asia-Pacific AAIREP (Australia) APAN (Asia-Pacific) ANF (Korea) APRU (Asia-Pacific) CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET (China) JAIRC (Japan) JUCC (Hong Kong) NGI-NZ (New Zealand) NECTEC / UNINET (Thailand) SingAREN (Singapore) NCHC (Taiwan) International Partners

5 APAN community and Internet2 APAN at the last Internet2 Member Meeting Fay Sheu – Taiwans TWAREN initiative Congxiao Bao -Video Conference Service Development in China During SARS

6 APAN Region–Internet2 Connectivity Internet2s Abilene national backbone network Upgrade to 10G done APAN–Internet2 connectivity highlights –TransPAC – currently led by Internet2 member Indiana University –Pacific Wave – now merging north and south with PNWGP and CENIC cooperation –IEEAF/Tyco donated link – PNWGP and WIDE working to complete connections

7 Fundamental Questions What does higher education (and the rest of the world) require from the Internet and its applications? What should the Internet2 community do to address those requirements? What specific steps should we take to move forward?

8 Strategic Foci Address the advanced networking needs and interests of the research & education community Provide leadership in the evolution of the global Internet Leverage strategic relationships among academia, industry and government Catalyze activities that cannot be accomplished by individual organizations Implement a systems approach towards a scalable and vertically integrated advanced networking infrastructure Focus on financially feasible, affordable, and deployable technologies and solutions

9 Internet2 Today (and Tomorrow) MotivateEnable End-to-end Performance Networks Middleware Applications Services Security

10 2004 Priorities Engage with the NSF Cyberinfrastructure Initiative Establish security initiatives which enable Internet2 applications and leverage Internet2 capabilities Ensure availability of production infrastructure for the Internet2 community Enhance Internet2s role as a leader in advanced networking

11 International Connections Now multiple NSF agreements Different regions of the world Different types of connectivity & research Also various uncoordinated donated infrastructure Our international partners could work more effectively if they had a coordinated point of contact Working with our members to coordinate response

12 Upcoming Internet2 meetings 19-21 April, Internet2 Member Meeting Arlington, VA (outside Washington, DC) 18-22 July, Joint Tech Meeting Columbus, OH 27-30 September, Internet2 Member Meeting Austin, TX


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