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…what do we have? Jews have the Torah Christians have the Bible

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Presentation on theme: "…what do we have? Jews have the Torah Christians have the Bible"— Presentation transcript:

1 …what do we have? Jews have the Torah Christians have the Bible
5/16/2018 Dharmic Scriptures Jews have the Torah (the 5 books of Moses; the Tanakh or “written Torah”) Christians have the Bible (the compilation of 66 books [39 in the Old Testament & 27 in the New Testament] and 4 [out of 80] Gospels) Muslims have the Quran (the ‘revealed’ word heard by Muhammad and redacted up to at least a few decades after his death) …what do we have?

2 Dharmic Scriptures Overview:
5/16/2018 Dharmic Scriptures Overview: (approx. 10,000 total; 3,000 primary) Upa-Vedas (6) Upanishads (~200) Misc. Sampradayas’ Shastras (6000+) Ancillary Vedic Lit. (~300) Parables (500) Vedas (Samhitas) (4;12) Puranas (~200) Bhagavad Gita Itihaasa (3) Dharma Shastras (20+) Key Darshana Shastras (2,000+) Vedangas (500 in 6 classes) Agamas (~500) Brahmanas (20) Aranyakas (6) Shruti (Saffron) Revelation; that which is heard. Smrti (Gold) Tradition; that which is written.

3    Organization of these 10,000 Dharmic Scriptures?
5/16/2018 Organization of these 10,000 Dharmic Scriptures? This massive encyclopedia of spiritual wisdom needs to be brought together into one convenient ‘User Manual’   

4 Dharma Veda Overview: (new Holy Book)
5/16/2018 Dharma Veda Overview: (new Holy Book) The Dharma Veda will be an up-to-date, scientific and spiritual manual for Dharmins (Hindus). It will contain chapters summarizing the best shlokas from: Vedas, Upavedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads, Itihaasa-Puranas, Agamas, Shastras, Sutras, Bhashyas, Gita, & valuable wisdom from numerous Sampradayas & modern content It will be updated every 12 years and presented to the Dharmasya (global Dharmic Community) at the Maha-Kumbha Mela (as per the suggestion of Sankaracharya years ago). It will be a LIVING SCRIPTURE (and NOT a closed canon - as with the Christian Bible or the Muslim Quran).

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