Waiting? Get your phone out!

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1 Waiting? Get your phone out!
Have You Registered Your Giant, and Target Cards?  Help raise $$ for SLES. It takes 2 minutes (really). Amazon @ smile.amazon.com, Go to Your Account at top of page, select "Change your Charity" from options at bottom of page, search for Stratford and then click on it. Please remember to place all of your orders through Amazon Smile instead of Amazon. - school ID # is 02266 www. target.com or call school code # is

2 SLES PTA Meeting January 7, 2015

3 Agenda Approval of November and December 2015 Meeting Minutes
January PTA Business Approval of November and December Meeting Minutes Budget update Membership Due Increase vote Lost and Found procedures After School Clubs Volunteer Opportunities CIP Update/FCPS Budget

4 January PTA Business Approval of November/December 2015 Meeting Minutes Budget Update Membership Due Increase Vote Lost and Found procedures

5 After School Clubs – Challenge 24

6 Sports

7 Yoga – Lauren McCone

8 Knitting – Cathy Hosek & Eileen Keane

9 Drama – Julia St. Pierre

10 Sports – Dave Magee & Jake Fannon

11 Challenge 24 Mike Krajack

12 Pizza Party!!!

13 Volunteer Opportunities
Discovery Garden WE NEED YOU! .  How can you help?  Each month we will clean up, make small changes, update old signs, etc, to make sure our children can be successful in the garden!   Help us continue to beautify the Discovery Garden and support our students and teachers to be environmental stewards by using the garden as our outdoor classroom

14 Volunteer Opportunities
Spring Fling We are looking for a committee of people to run a spring fundraiser in March. In years past this has been called Spring Fling and has involved class raffle baskets and, some years, a silent auction, but any and all new ideas welcome. Contact Beth Hamilton if you can help First meeting is tomorrow at Beth’s house at 10:45 am.

15 Upcoming Community Events
Spelling Bee Forms are due January 22 Spelling Bee is January 29th at 3:45 pm

16 CIP / FCPS Budget Update

17 Capital Improvement Program 2016-2020
Stratford Landing: • At the conclusion of the renovation and capacity enhancement, the school will have a capacity of 925 students (800 students if the AAP Center is realigned with the new AAP Center at Bucknell ES) in the school year. • Create a new AAP Center at Bucknell ES upon completion of the renovation. Reassign AAP students residing within Belle View ES, Groveton ES, Hybla Valley ES, Hollin Meadows ES and Bucknell ES attendance areas from Stratford Landing ES to the new AAP Center at Bucknell ES. This change will increase the Bucknell ES capacity from 400 to 600. This option will provide capacity relief to Stratford Landing ES. • Reassign students from Hybla Valley ES to Hollin Meadows ES and Stratford Landing ES upon the completion of their renovation projects. This option will provide capacity relief to Hybla Valley ES. • Reassign students from Stratford Landing ES to Fort Hunt ES. This option will provide capacity relief to Stratford Landing ES and will reduce the capacity enhancement needed with the renovation. • Relocate modular additions from Stratford Landing ES to West Potomac HS to accommodate enrollment growth

18 Capital Improvement Program 2017-2021
Stratford Landing: At the conclusion of the renovation and capacity enhancement in SY , Stratford Landing ES will have a capacity of 950 students. Relocate modular addition from Stratford Landing ES to another facility in need of capacity relief.

19 January February 12 PTA meeting at 7:00 pm

20 Questions

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