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How to use Where’s My Tech

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1 How to use Where’s My Tech
The Where’s my Tech tool is available for Local Dealers and AT&T U-verse customer to access the status of U-verse Installation and Repair appointments. Accessing Where’s My Tech Go to Save the URL in your Internet Explorer “Favorites” for quick access for future customers Select the Search criteria you will be using for your customer: - Contact Number and Street Number - U-verse Account Number and Street Number - Street Number, Last Name, and Zip Code The Where’s My Tech search results will provide the Scheduled Appointment Date, Scheduled Appointment Time, and the Appointment Status. (see screen shot below) A Reminder will also display stating the AT&T Technician will contact the customer prior to their arrival. You may assist customers with questions or changes to their scheduled U-verse installation or Repair appointment by contacting the SSC while the customer is in store. Note: Retail Reps should never contact the UVDC directly. AT&T Proprietary (Internal Use Only) Not for use or disclosure outside the AT&T companies except under written agreement

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