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Interrogative Pronouns

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1 Interrogative Pronouns
Who, Which, What, Whom, Whose

2 What are interrogative Pronouns?
Essential Question What are interrogative Pronouns? An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun used to introduce an interrogative sentence.

3 Interrogative Pronouns
The interrogative pronouns who and whom both refer to people. Who is used when the interrogative pronoun is the subject of the sentence. Example: Who is Pandora? Who gives Pandora her name?

4 Interrogative Pronouns
The interrogative pronouns who and whom both refer to people. Whom is used when the interrogative pronoun is the object of a verb or preposition. Example: Whom does Zeus call? For Whom does Hephaestus make a staff?

5 Interrogative Pronouns
Subject or object Who gives Pandora her name? Subject of the sentence Whom does Zeus dislike? Direct object of the verb To whom does Zeus give a gift? Object of the preposition

6 Interrogative Pronouns
The interrogative pronouns which and what are used to refer to things. Example: Some gifts are for Pandora. Which are they? Athena makes Pandora a robe. What does Hephaestus make?

7 Interrogative Pronouns
The interrogative pronoun whose shows that someone possesses something. Example: The jar is in Pandora’s house. Whose is it?

8 Interrogative Pronouns
DO NOT confuse Who’s with Whose Example: Who’s reading the myth. (contraction for who is) Whose lightening bolt is this? (interrogative pronoun)

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