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Year 10 Information & Software Technology

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1 Year 10 Information & Software Technology

2 Project Management

3 Project Management Definition
Is the process of planning, scheduling and controlling all the activities within each stage of a project. It aims to deliver a finished product within an acceptable time frame and budget. Project management involves creating a project plan.

4 Defining and Analysing the Problem
Identify the problem Factors that impact on problem-solving: Technical factors: hardware and software needed Operational factors Financial factors Ethical factors

5 Project Plan Is a summary of a project that specifies who, what, how and when. Breaks project into major tasks called sub projects. It must provide an overall schedule, details of the sub projects and a schedule for each project.

6 Project Goal Result of the project (if successful). Goals may be broad eg: designing an efficient toll collection system.

7 Project Goal Specific goal eg: designing a purpose built training manual for a Sony game for under $50,000

8 Deliverable A tangible item expected from a task. It may be a diagram, report, data dictionary, program or training manual.

9 Schedule The timing of major tasks and who will do the work. The success of a new system depends on accurate time estimates for each task.

10 Information Management Software
Helps individuals on a project to manage information and schedule tasks. It allows messages to be exchanged and organised Progress can be made on tasks at a glance


12 Gantt Charts

13 Gantt Chart Is a bar chart with each bar representing a task or stage of a system development cycle. Open Excel and copy this Gantt Chart.


15 Communication Skills Active listening – involves restating, reflecting and summarising. Conflict resolution solves arguments and disputes Negotiation skills involve discussing a problem and arriving at a consensus

16 Communication Skills Interview techniques involve careful preparation. These include Purpose of interview Ask open ended questions (no Y/N) Body language awareness Check responses Close interview by reviewing

17 Communication Skills Team building involves getting a group of people working together

18 Student Activity Using your notes and your text book , answer the following questions in a word processed document and submit via Moodle (Project Management class activity) Identify the three main stages of project work. What needs to be done even before the first stage? Identify the four qualities that information should have. Identify at least three ways to communicate information and discuss the advantages of each. Imagine that you have been given permission to decorate your bedroom at home. List all the tasks that will need to be done before you actually start work on applying the paint. Create a time plan and estimate the cost of the project using a spreadsheet. Are there specific people you will need help from? Will they be available when you need them?

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