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Social Class and Graduate Pathways: social stasis or social mobility?

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1 Social Class and Graduate Pathways: social stasis or social mobility?
Dr. Ciaran Burke

2 Setting the scene The developments in policy over the last 50 years have a number of themes in common: Increased participation in HE A market relationship between HE and the student HE is the central component of the economy HE is the major site of social mobility There are a large proportion of graduates in non-graduate employment: Purcell et al. (2013) report 40% graduate underemployment Brown and Hesketh (2004) report 40% graduate underemployment HESA (2013) report 30% graduate underemployment ONS (2013) 47% Graduate underemployment A central question of this research was who gets the graduate jobs?

3 Research Study Research Question
Are pathways of graduate employment influenced by the habitus? Sample 27 Northern Irish Graduates Graduated 2-10 years before research Non-vocational degrees. 18 Working Class 9 Middle Class 16 pre-1992 HEI 11 post-1992 HEI 14 Women 13 Men Data Collection Preliminary questionnaire – basic demographic and biographical information Biographical Narrative Interview Method

4 Applying Bourdieu Bourdieu’s theory of practice: Habitus is: Norms
Values Dispositions Influenced by: Family School Peers Environment Capitals: Economic Social Cultural Field: Social context Le champ = battle field Field Capital Habitus

5 Binary Classed System Problems/Issues Expectations/Aspirations
Understanding the Market Pathways Resources/Capitals

6 Expectations/Aspirations
Expecting to do well – school, university, employment Minimum standard level of employment Middle Class graduates Yeah, it was a, I wasn’t ever not going to go to uni, and I wanted to go… (Annie) There’s certain things that I really wouldn’t be willing to do now. I have a certain level of snootiness (Matthew)

7 Expectations/Aspirations
Fatalistic attitude towards school, university, employment Settling for non-graduate jobs (long-term) Working Class graduates I realised I had a bit of potential in me and that was when I started to take myself seriously as an academic (Rose) Where I’ll be in 5 years time and it’s hard to ... any job I do get will be fairly low level and something quite low paid, probably in em a big chain again, maybe in retail or the service industry (Fergal)

8 Understanding the Market
Devaluation of the degree Non-linear nature of the market Middle Class graduates A degree will only get you so far (Phil) I mean people would initially assume, a [x] degree or a [y] degree, no they want something a bit different, mostly what you would have is psychology or business studies for promotion... (Katie)

9 Understanding the Market
You go to school, then university, then a Masters and then you get a job.” Is that how it’s going to be? (Steve) I think one day randomly – I seen Southern did a Drama course, and I thought, well, might as well do that, so I did. (Sarah) Assumed Meritocratic system Limited rationale for actions Working Class graduates

10 Resources/Capitals High levels of capitals Supplement resources Middle Class graduates I talked my way into the job, because I didn’t have a marketing degree or a marketing background, but I gave a good interview and I could talk a good game. (Katie) I think having that job [extra-curricular spin-off company] was definitely important for my degree, especially if you’re hoping to go into professional life afterwards. (Lyndsey)

11 Resources/Capitals I don’t know, I just try and rely on natural charm (laughs) interviews aren’t my strong suit. (Paddy) I thought I could go into marketing and PR […] they were asking for two years experience. I was like, I’m only out of university and no-one’s giving me a break, it was just like… (Sarah) Limited levels of other capitals Relied on scholastic capital and luck Working Class graduates

12 Staggered Graduate Pathway
Middle Class Pathways Staggered Graduate Pathway I took some time working […] I knew the firm were getting ready to hire again. It was a good time for me to do it, you know. (Katie) In control I got a job as an Art and Design technician in [FE College], and did that for about 6 months, got to know some of the staff there, and then basically they brought me back the next year as a lecturer (John) Long term planning What I want to do is work for a HR department in the Health Sector (Annie) Middle Class Graduates

13 Working Class Pathways
Stuck in non-graduate jobs I got a job in the [nightclub] part-time then I graduated, I got a full time job in a bar and I’ve been doing that ever since. (Mark) Lateral pathway I don’t try to apply for too many jobs, every time I up date my C.V. it’s the same stuff. (Paddy) Lack of control lottery, really, really because like with so many people going for jobs (Michael) Working Class Graduates

14 Where do we go from here? There are a number of implications stemming from this research: Questions the meritocratic discourses from government policy Advocates that Widening Participation does not stop at access but should be measured on life after graduation Lack of understanding the market demonstrates the need for employment provision to be centralised within the degree Extra-curricular resources are a way of re-balancing resources – these need to be aligned with degrees and given a greater level of prestige

15 If we do nothing then this is the future of the graduate labour market

16 Social Class and Graduate Pathways: social stasis or social mobility?
Dr. Ciaran Burke

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