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Got Maps? Why maps?.

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Presentation on theme: "Got Maps? Why maps?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Got Maps? Why maps?

2 Students will learn about the use of maps, map terminology, and their importance to everyday life. Students will demonstrate knowledge through group activities, learning games, and creating a PowerPoint presentation.

3 Unit Questions: Content Questions:
What is the relationship between a compass rose and a map? Why is map terminology useful? How is map knowledge important to everyday life? Content Questions: What are the 8 major points on a compass rose? What are 0 degree latitude and 0 degree longitude called? What and where are the seven continents and four oceans?

4 Objectives: 2.SS Show that map symbols such as key, legend, and scale represent a real object or place. (410.01c) 3.SS Use a map title, map key, scale, cardinal directions, and symbols to interpret a map. (426.01d) 3.SS Describe the concepts of globe, continent, country, state, county, city/town, and neighborhood. (426.01a) 2.SS Identify landforms, bodies of water, and human made features such as cities and dams on a map and globe. (410.01a) 3.SS Locate on a map waterways, landforms, cities, states, and national boundaries using standard map symbols. (426.01c) 2.SS State the cardinal directions and how to use the compass rose. (410.01b) 3.SS Use a number/letter grid to find specific locations on a map. (426.01e)

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