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Don’t Forget... Contestants …Always phrase your answers in the form of a question!

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3 Don’t Forget... Contestants

4 …Always phrase your answers in the form of a question!

5 Hands on your bells, its...

6 500 100 200 300 100 300 200 300 200 100 200 500 300 200 100 400 Map Vocabulary Directions Continents and Oceans Odds and Ends Symbols and Scales

7 This is a model of the earth. What is…? Map Vocabulary for $100

8 A Globe Back to Game

9 This is a flat picture of the Earth. What is…? Map Vocabulary for $200

10 A Map Back to Game

11 This is an imaginary line that separates countries and states. What is…? Map Vocabulary for $300

12 A Boundary Back to Game

13 This is a line that goes around the middle of the Earth. What is…? Map Vocabulary for $400

14 The Equator Good Answer! Back to Game

15 Name two ways a map is different from a globe. What is…? Map Vocabulary for $500

16 Back to Game

17 Name the four different directions. What is…? Directions for $100

18 North, South, East, West Back to Game

19 This shows the directions on a map. What is…? Directions for $200

20 A Compass Rose Back to Game

21 Point to north in the classroom What is…? Directions for $300

22 Towards the back wall Back to Game

23 What is…? Directions for $400 This is the direction in between North and East.

24 North East Back to Game

25 What is…? Directions for $500 This is the direction between South and West.

26 Southwest Back to Game

27 This represents something real on a map. What is…? Symbols and Scales for $100

28 A Symbol Back to Game


30 This is where symbols on a map can be found. What is…? Symbols and Scales for $200

31 The Key Back to Game

32 What is…? Symbols and Scales for $300 A star represents a _____________ on a map.

33 Capital City Back to Game

34 What is…? Symbols and Scales for $400 True or false: All maps are drawn with the same scale

35 False! Maps can have all different scales! Back to Game

36 What is…? Symbols and Scales for $500 This shows how much bigger the area on the map is in real life.

37 A Scale Back to Game

38 What is…? Odds and Ends for $100 Name one state in our same time zone.

39 Answers will vary. Back to Game

40 What is…? Odds and Ends for $200 If it’s 9:00am in Virginia, what time is it in California?

41 6:00 AM Back to Game

42 What is…? Odds and Ends for $300 These are lines that move from east to west on the map.

43 Longitude lines Back to Game

44 What is…? Odds and Ends for $400 These are lines that move from North to South on the map

45 Latitude lines Back to Game

46 What is…? Odds and Ends for $500 This is the line that separates the eastern hemisphere from the western hemisphere.

47 The Prime Meridian Back to Game

48 What is…? Continents and Oceans for $100 This is a large body of water.

49 An Ocean Back to Game

50 What is…? Continents and Oceans for $200 This is a very large body of land.

51 A Continent Back to Game

52 What are…? Continents and Oceans for $300 Name three continents

53 Antarctica, Australia, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa Back to Game

54 What is…? Continents and Oceans for $400 Name two oceans.

55 Indian, Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic Back to Game

56 What is…? Continents and Oceans for $500 This country is also a continent.

57 Australia Back to Game

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