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Railroad Canyon Elementary

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1 Railroad Canyon Elementary
Dual Immersion Railroad Canyon Elementary By Lori Recatto, Principal

2 One language sets you in a corridor for life
One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. Frank Smith If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. Nelson Mandela

3 What is a Dual Language Program?
Dual Language Program refers to any program that provides literacy and content instruction to all students through two languages (50/50 min.) and that promotes bilingualism and biliteracy, grade-level academic achievement, and multicultural competence for all students. Developmental Bilingual Program- All students are Spanish speakers. Supports fluency in native language. Two-Way Immersion Program (50/50)- Approximately half of students are Spanish speakers and half are English Speakers. Instruction is 50% English, 50% Spanish in all grades. Two-Way Immersion Program (90/10)- Approximately half of students are Spanish speakers and half are English Speakers. Instruction starts at 10% English, 90% Spanish with a gradual increase of English. Definition of Dual Lang. Program comes from Guiding Principals for Dual Language Education.

4 Program Goals Bilingual Develop high levels of academic proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in BOTH LANGUAGES. Biliterate Develop the ability to study and communicate across the curriculum in BOTH LANGUAGES. Cultural Awareness Develop a deep understanding and appreciation of cultures. Global Citizens Develop skills in cross cultural communication and a sense of global citizenship. Prepared Develop skills to be successful in middle school, high school, and college.

5 Why should I put my child in a Dual Immersion Program?
The optimal window for language acquisition is during elementary years. Forty years of research documents the power of immersion programs. For native Spanish speakers, Dual Immersion allows the children to keep their native language and gain academic proficiency in it. In the US, Spanish is the most often spoken language other than English. Million Million

6 International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
Elsinore Middle School & Temescal Canyon High School IB coursework and the distinguished IB Diploma give students a sense of international –mindedness for a lifetime of active, responsible citizenship. IB Diploma graduates also receive college units and a rich balanced education that prepares students for success in their future university studies.

7 What Should I Expect of Dual Immersion?
Dual Immersion is a challenging and rigorous academic program. The commitment to the program begins in Kindergarten and continues throughout elementary years. Spanish is the target language of instruction in the primary grades with English instruction gradually added. Students are grouped heterogeneously. In Kindergarten, only 30 minutes of instruction is in English daily. This is during the mandated 30 minutes of English Language Development for English Learners. This is the only time students are grouped homogenously. California Common Core Standards (and newly adopted Common Core augmented for Spanish) will be curriculum taught. % Spanish % English K 90% 10% 1 2 80% 20% 3 70% 30% 4 60% 40% 5 50%

8 Common Core State Standards
Reading Standards for Informational Text Speaking and Listening Standards Language Standards Writing Standards Reading Standards: Foundational Skills Reading Standards for Literature The California Common Core Standards (CCSS) have been translated and linguistically augmented into Spanish to ensure equitable assessment and curriculum development, resulting in high levels of biliteracy. The purpose of the linguistic augmentation is to address points of learning, skills and concepts that are specific to Spanish language and literacy, as well as transferable language learnings between English and Spanish as provided in education settings where students are instructed in both languages.

9 Examples of Language Differences
Literacy can be translated…. Language cannot. Examples of Language Differences English Language Arts Spanish Language Arts Alphabet has 26 letters Sight Words/High Frequency Words are primarily single syllable words. Kindergarten: 100% Single Syllable First: 82 % Single Syllable Second: 90% Single Syllable Third: 80% Single Syllable When teaching students to read, word families and CVC word patterns are a great area of focus. Vowels make long and short vowel sounds. Alphabet has 29 letters.(ch, ll, ñ) (No Sight Words) High Frequency words are primarily multi-syllabic words: Kindergarten: 36% Single Syllable First: 13% Single Syllable Second: 4% Single Syllable Third: 2% Single Syllable When teaching students to read, syllables through CV/CV patterns, are a great area of focus. Vowels are strong (a/o) or weak (e/i/u). Accent Marks Masculine/Feminine Conjugation of Verbs Adjectives must match in number & gender

10 Parent Responsibilities
Provide community support and, when possible, volunteer. Enjoy the challenges; celebrate the results. Transportation is not provided. Commit to long-term participation in immersion program. Develop an understanding of Immersion Program. Read with your child in home language minutes daily. Encourage use of Spanish Language outside of school.

11 Eligibility & Selection for Dual Immersion
Dual Immersion at Railroad Canyon is open to all incoming kindergarten and transitional kindergarten students. First grade students may be enrolled pending present academic levels and room in first grade classes. No student will be enrolled after first grade unless they are a transfer from another DI program. Students with significant communication delays in their primary language may struggle with the rigor and pace of our Dual Immersion Program. Priority for Admission will be Given to: Student in Railroad Canyon Elementary School boundaries Younger siblings of students already in program Students in LEUSD Please note: Classes in a Dual Immersion Program should be 50% Native Spanish Speakers and 50% English Speakers. Classes will be built in this manner and Primary Language may also be a factor in enrollment.

12 Steps to Enrollment Attend Parent Info. Meeting Wednesday, February 17 (8:30 Spanish, 9:30 English) Friday, February 17 (4:00 Spanish, 5:00 English) Monday, March 14 (2:00 English/Spanish) Thursday, March 17 (2:00 English/Spanish) Complete DI Application Applications are only given out at a Parent Information Meeting. Once your application is received, you will be contacted to attend a classroom walkthrough at Railroad Canyon Elementary. Classroom Walkthroughs You will be contacted and scheduled for a parent Classroom Walkthrough. (By appointment only.) Lottery May 6, Railroad Canyon will hold a lottery of all applicants for available enrollment. Enrollment Please enroll your child at their home school for kindergarten. If RRC is not your home school, you must also complete a transfer. All transfers for Dual Immersion will be accepted.

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