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Civilisation des Etats-Unis-9 Religion

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1 Civilisation des Etats-Unis-9 Religion
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France)

2 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 1 The Religious Diversity A. No Official Religion - Constitution prohibits a national religion  liberal founding fathers vs. European past!  separation of church and state ≠ laïcité! Flee persecution: PA  Quakers; ML  Catholics; RI, CT  Puritan dissenters; UT  Mormons…  no church hierarchy (of course!)  over 200 denominations B. Puritans’ Legacy 1608 Mayflower; 1620 Arabella, John Winthrop’s sermon:  build a “city on a hill”  Protestant work ethic

3 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) C
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) C. “One nation Under God” - importance of religion: church over state!  religions national mottoes: “In God We Trust”  President’s oath sworn on the Bible  politicians’ speeches  only 1962 abolish prayers in public schools - social integration, community life - Black community: MLK (Martin Luther King), Jesse Jackson, Andrew Young Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan - great power of religious right  “creationism” or “intelligent design”  Bible theme parks

4 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) D
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) D. Religion, Class and Race ≠ colorblind, often racially segregated churches - “elite” denomination Episcopalians - less wealthy Methodists and Baptists - working class Roman Catholics 2. The Leading Religions A. The Protestant Denominations 55%, over 200 denominations: Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopal, Congregational = mainline churches vs. “Pentecostal” Churches  evangelists - Mennonites, Amish (Lancaster County, PA)

5 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) B
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) B. The Roman Catholic Church 24% (62 million) - colony of Maryland (Toleration Act, GB Catholics) - Irish immigrants; later Italians  nativist opposition - negative image lost in 1960s:  President JFK (John F. Kennedy) - not conservative: birth control, divorce C. Judaism - first Sephardic Jews from Spain and Portugal (West) - 20th c.: large numbers of Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe (freeing progroms) 2% (6 million), mainly East Coast and Florida  NYC is largest Jewish city in the world (!)

6 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) - most important diaspora communities  Anti-Defamation League - survival of Israel: strong lobby in media, politics  fundraising - very much integrated (are “white”), intermarry D. Islam about 3 million, fast growing  immigrants from Muslim countries  Black Muslims, Nation of Islam = African American converts: new names (Malcolm X, Muhammed Ali)  after 9/11: association with terrorism

7 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 3
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 3. Sect and Cults A. Mormons = LDS (Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints) 1830 founded by Joseph Smith; Brigham Young takes them to Salt Lake City, UT  lead by “prophet” and 12 apostles - economic success (Mitt Romney) - gave up polygamy - no smoking, no alcohol, 10% to church B. Quakers founded in GB by George Fox Society of Friends  economic success  William Penn, Pennsylvania (PA) 1947 Nobel Peace Prize! (anti-slavery)

8 Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 4
Prof. Sämi Ludwig Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse (France) 4. Televangelism and Megachurches 1950s Billy Graham: use radio and TV  radio stations, TV channels - narrow interpretation of Bible Pat Robertson (Christian Broadcasting Network) Oral Roberts University Jerry Falwell  moral majority Jim and Tamy Bakker resigned, affairs, scandals: repent!  fight evil = communism, abortion, homosexualit = “born again Christians” (pentecostal experience!) Megachurches with thousands of members  Crystal Cathedral - entertainment shows, leisure parks, hospitals … tax-free!

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