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Political Ideology and Labels

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1 Political Ideology and Labels

2 Political Ideology: An individual or group’s set of political beliefs
While individuals have very specific and distinct political ideologies, people are forced to choose which political party or label “best” fits them Why is this the case?

3 What does your position mean?
DO NOT WRITE DOWN---JUST LISTEN What does your position mean? Traditionally, we have used a left-right spectrum to suggest where people stand on the issues: Left/Liberal Right/Conservative

4 Political Spectrum Turn Clock Forward Reverse Clock Radical
Conservative Fast Forward Time Liberal Turn Clock Back Reactionary Clock = Progress or Change Status Quo = the way things are now

5 Believe that people are born good
Believe that people are born good. It is only when society lets them down that they turn on society. Equality is important Believe in a larger federal government. This larger government is made up of social programs to help those in need Believe that it is the responsibility of the government to take care of those who cannot help themselves Believe that change is good. Change is progress, and therefore is good. Believe in tolerance of alternative lifestyles. Liberals tend to—but not always—vote Democratic Liberals

6 Believe that the priority of government should be social order through strict and harsh punishments
Believe in less federal government. Government should regulate the lives of Americans less, not more Believe that it is the responsibility of family, churches, and charities to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. It is not the government’s responsibility. Believe that change should be slow and well thought-out. Like to refer back to the way things used to be. Believe in traditional family values Conservatives tend to—but not always—vote Republican Conservatives

7 Refining the Ideological Spectrum
The Economic Spectrum Liberal: Economic liberals favor broad government involvement in economic policy-making and regulation of business Conservative: Economic conservatives favor limited government involvement in economic policymaking and regulation of business

8 Refining the Ideological Spectrum
The Social/Political Spectrum Liberal: Social and political liberals favor limited government regulation of individual behavior Conservative: Social and political conservatives favor broad government regulation of individual behavior

9 Think, Pair, Share What did you notice happens to Liberals and Conservatives in our spectrum, based on the type of issue? Therefore, some call for a REFINING of the spectrum to include: moderates, totalitarians, libertarians

10 Other Political Ideologies
Moderates: Take a strong stance on few issues, preferring the middle position on most matters. They emphasize practical solutions to public issues

11 Other Political Ideologies
Totalitarians: Prefer government control over all areas of life. Promotes equality through regulation by the government (may be an individual or group of people)

12 Other Political Ideologies
Libertarians: like personal choice in both social and economic matters. They believe that government’s only purpose is protect our life, liberty and property. They value personal responsibility and tolerance.

13 What does this mean for our two-party system?
Where do MOST Americans find themselves on the spectrum?

14 Political Parties 101

15 Democratic Party Identify with liberal values
Support some of these ideas Loose interpretation of the Constitution Graduated income tax (rich pay more, poor less) Universal healthcare Pro-Choice Stem Cell research Time table for taking troops out of Iraq Government to help weak groups Children Seniors The poor Minority groups

16 Republican Party Conservative Ideology Support some of these ideas
Strict interpretation of the Constitution Emphasize corporate and personal decision making Individuals are responsible for their actions Less government involvement in people’s lives Less of a safety net to assist the less fortunate however… Private sector (businesses, charities, organizations, etc.) are more effective than government Strong military and national defense Pro-life Strict environmental standards hurt businesses

17 Independent Party Support some of the following ideas
Families the foundation of morals Christian Faith plays a large role in decision making Government is to protect the rights of people life, liberty, property State Government is to protect the environment Strong defense/military Withdraw from international agreements that take away our freedom and choice

18 Green Party Supports some of the following ideas Grassroots democracy
Environment is important Fair treatment under the law (racism, sexism, class oppression, homophobia) Human societies are a part of nature Alternatives to society’s current violence Community based economics

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