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The Christmas story!.

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Presentation on theme: "The Christmas story!."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Christmas story!

2 Once Upon a time, a very long time ago
A young girl called Mary was visited by An angle. He told her god wanted her to have a very special baby , and that she Was to call the baby Jesus.

3 A little while later, Mary was married to Joseph
A little while later, Mary was married to Joseph. Even though she was going to have her baby very soon, they had to make a long journey to a little town called Bethlehem to pay tax.

4 When they arrived in Bethlehem, there were so many people there already that Joseph couldn't find anywhere for them to stay . Poor Mary!. Finally a kind inn-keeper told Joseph that they could stay in his stable with the animals.

5 Joseph and Mary settled down and there ,among the animals,
Mary had her baby! They wrapped Little Jesus up Warm and settled him into a manger filled with straw,as they had no cradle in the stable.


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