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Practice Question (1 of 2)

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1 Practice Question (1 of 2)
Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon’s policies did which of the following? a. Reduced income tax-rates for the wealthy to release money for private investment b. Provided aid to the Allies during the First World War c. Provided federal guarantees for bank deposits. d. Restricted loans to Mexico after the Tampico and Veracruz incidents e. Combated the Depression by giving lower-income groups more purchasing power.

2 Practice Question (2 of 2)
The assembly-line production of Henry Ford’s Model T automobile resulted in which of the following by the end of the 1920s? a. A sharp degrease in railroad passenger traffic b. The federal government’s abandonment of research on air travel c. The development of a large international market for American automobiles d. Widespread purchase of automobiles by average American families e. Construction of the federal interstate highway system

3 1920s Advertising and Attitudes towards Consumerism/Mass Media
Print and Radio

4 Characteristics of the Twenties
Mass-Produced consumer goods Farm depression Northern and Southern disparity Consolidation of Companies Electrification Labor Unions stagnant Automobile Women’s economic rights stagnant Rising Stock Prices Racism Capital expansion abroad, yet high Tariffs stifle foreign trade Arts develop (Jazz and Harlem Renaissance) Conservative politics were dominant















19 Mr. C’s favorite…


21 Effects of Commercialization
“It would be idle to assert that life on the farm occupies as good a position of dignity, desirability, and business results as farmers might easily give it if they chose. One of the chief difficulties is the failure of country life, as it exists at the present, to satisfy the higher social and intellectual aspirations of country people.” -Teddy Roosevelt (1909)

22 Radio Advertisement Rinso

23 Amos and Andy Amos and Andy, with Rinso Commercial
Note the use of music – the Rinso whistle! What other cultural characteristics do you notice (in reference to the 1920s?) How does the show treat African Americans? (Note the names: “Kingfish”, and “Henry Van Porter”, the words the characters use, and the expressions they make) Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll – who are they?

24 Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll … Surprised
Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll … Surprised? Blackface/Minstrel Shows common at the time

25 Practice Question Which of the following emerged during the Progressive Era as the most influential advocate of full political, economic, and social equality for Black Americans? a. W.E.B. Du Bois b. Frederick Douglas c. Booker T. Washington d. Ida B. Wells e. Langston Hughes

26 Practice Question Which of the following best describes the Harlem Renaissance? a. The rehabilitation of a decaying urban area b. An outpouring of Black artistic and literary creativity c. The beginning of the NAACP d. The most famous art show of the early twentieth century e. The establishment of motion picture palaces

27 Artists of the 1920s Moodily lampooned/mourned/ridiculed materialism of the period Fitzgerald Great Gatsby Sinclair Lewis Main Street, Babbitt H.L. Mencken The American Mercury – ridicule and satire Hemingway Painters Hooper, Thomas Hart Benton – Urban and small town reminiscence Gershwin and Copland

28 Harlem Artists “New Negro Movement” or “Flowering of Negro Literature”
Painters, writers, musicians all congregated in Harlem cabarets (nightclub restaurant) Challenged traditional values, and usually were from middle class backgrounds Catalogued racial inequities in American life, especially the turbulence of urban culture Whites came to escape the taboos of white urban culture, but the places that were “spontaneous” and “primitive” and “spiritual” featured black artists without allowing blacks in the audience (Cotton Club) Symbol of racial achievement, most of all, which inspired future artists (James Baldwin, Alice Walker, Toni Morrison etc

29 Langston Hughes I’ve known rivers: I’ve known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers. I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young. I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep. I looked upon the Nile and raised pyramids above it. I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I’ve seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset. Ancient, dusky rivers. My soul has grown deep like the rivers

30 Harlem (1951) What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore – And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over – Like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags Like a heavy load. Or does it explode?

31 Other authors and personalities of the Harlem Renaissance
Zora Neale Hurston Joyce Sims Carrington George Schuyler A. Philip Randolph Rudolph Fisher Walter White Jean Toomer

32 Jazz Sidney Bechet Duke Ellington Bessie Smith Louis Armstrong
Mamie Smith (*) Bix Beiderbecke Ma Rainey Nick LaRocca – “The Original Dixieland Jazz Band” Ella Fitzgerald Billie Holiday Let’s listen to Bechet, Oliver, Armstrong, and some Ellington… Marian Anderson (*) King Oliver

33 Changes in society Rockets, x-rays Restriction of immigrants
National Origins Act (1924) Ozawa v U.S. Braceros and immigration Sacco and Vanzetti Scopes Trial KKK (Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith Garvey Movement – Universal Negro Improvement Association Prohibition (Volstead Act – 18th Amendment)

34 Election of 1928 Hoover (R) v Smith (D) – first Catholic! V Thomas (Socialists) Smith garnered large urban votes, rural midwest (hard- pressed farmers who didn’t like Coolidge OR Hoover’s S of C role) Hoover: American Individualism (1922) Self-made, but praised big business Limited government involvement, cooperative social/economic order should be led by capitalists, not government

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