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Monday, October 3rd Warm up: Read and complete the reading comprehension packet and use dictionary for vocabulary section to practice dictionary skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, October 3rd Warm up: Read and complete the reading comprehension packet and use dictionary for vocabulary section to practice dictionary skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, October 3rd Warm up: Read and complete the reading comprehension packet and use dictionary for vocabulary section to practice dictionary skills. Independent reading when finished Read aloud with stop and jot in reading folders

2 Tuesday, October 4th Warm up: Independent reading/ student conferences
All class activity: Questioning circle activity – What is the significance of Ms. Olson’s mouse? What questions do I have about this? Read aloud “How to Steal a Dog” - stop and jot; character development notes; write a question about our reading today

3 Wednesday, October 5th Warm up: Independent reading; create your thought shot as you read and also ask at least one question about your reading that you can’t answer yet. Tell a story picture activity: Look at the picture. Write a few sentences about the people in the story. Who might they be? What might they be doing? How do they know each other? Or come up with your own ideas for a brief story. After 4 minutes, trade pictures with a neighbor and repeat above process. Continue this until you have completed 4 pictures Read aloud – stop and jot in reading folders

4 Thursday, October 6th Warm up: Independent reading; create your thought shot as you read and also ask at least one question about your reading that you can’t answer yet. Tell a story picture activity continued from yesterday: Look at the picture. Write a few sentences about the people in the story. Who might they be? What might they be doing? How do they know each other? Or come up with your own ideas for a brief story. After 4 minutes, trade pictures with a neighbor and repeat above process. Continue this until you have completed 4 pictures that are different from the ones you wrote about yesterday. Read aloud – stop and jot in reading folders

5 Friday, October 7th Warm up: Independent reading/ student conferences
All class activity: Questioning/Inferring circle activity – Let’s get some answers about Ms. Olson’s mouse! What questions do I still have about this? What inferences can I make based on the information I have been given and what I already know? Read aloud “How to Steal a Dog” - stop and jot; character development notes; write a question about our reading today

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