Owners Group International Ltd

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Presentation on theme: "Owners Group International Ltd"— Presentation transcript:

1 Owners Group International Ltd
Welcome Owners Group International Ltd Presentation for the UK

2 OGI Welcome to PRE-LAUNCH

3 They become part owners of the room
The Vision 50% profit We keep the profit in the room! The more products we bring into the room, and use, the more money we and the company will EARN….easy! Why not just buy it direct from the PRODUCER and take all the profit ? People enter the Room C C C C C Normally we would buy it from A STORE. There is a room… They become part owners of the room and use the products

4 VISION To build the World’s largest Community of Agents & Customers.
Why? To share the profits between us and not give them to someone else.

5 The Company Structure Owners Group Owners Group Int. Invest-ing
Other investments: Owners Group Int will invest and actively assist in the development of companies within product categories that are of interest to it’s Agents & customers Owners Group Int. Invest-ing Bank/Fin. Retail Travel Tele com Energy Healthcare USA Europe Owners Group Asia Russia South America Etc.

6 Products Naturland Pipex Broadband Internet Banking Property Rentals
Property Company Chinese Products Internal Share Market

7 Examples of what’s next?
Travel Websites Property Sales Utilities Insurance Telecoms

8 Building a Global business
Holland Latvija Argentina Russia Estland Spain Rumania India United Kingdom Brazil Uruguay Finland Norway Sweden

9 OUR GOAL ! 30.000 Agents Worldwide By the end of 2004

10 Income You can earn commissions for getting new agents who find customers who buy products from OGI. ( Binary Plan) You can earn commissions on the turnover of these products ( Unilevel Plan) You have shares in OGI (more later)

11 Binarysystem You 2/3 1/3 Master Master Master Binary system
Activate your IC by sponsoring one left and one right Agent has 4 options JuniorAgent Senior Agent Exec Agent Master Agent You 2/3 1/3 Master Master Master Junior Agent Credits 300 Credits = 1 step Senior Agent Credits step = 100€ at pv.1. Exec Agent Credits Pv = Point Value Master Agent Credits

12 Unilevel You customer customer customer customer
Unilevel system commission for the sales of goods and services Unilevel system Through your personally sponsored Agents and their personally sponsored in 6 levels you can earn commissions on sales Shared pool for reaching Certain criterea (details soon) - Gold 4% - Platinum 4% - Organisational Director 3% You customer customer customer customer Level 1, Personally sponsored by you Agent 1 customer customer Level 2, Personally sponsored by Agent 1 Agent 2 customer customer

13 Unilevel system (example) assuming each Agent gets 3 Agents and 6 customers
Any products No: Customers Turnover per customer each month Your income 20% profit on sales 1 30% 6 100 € 36 € 2 25% 18 90 € 3 5% 54 54 € 4 162 162 € 5 486 486 € 20% 1458 5832 € Total: 90% 6660 € Junior Agents get commission in the st level Senior Agents get commission up to the 3rd level Exec Agents get commission up to the 4th level Master Agents get commission up to the 6th level

14 Autoship (optional) The building block of our business!
40€ which can be spent on any combination of the products and services in our portfolio

15 Joining fees Junior Agent 100 euro’s Senior Agent 300 euro’s
Exec Agent euro’s Master Agent euro’s

16 Shares in OGI Junior Agent is given 10 euro’s of shares
Senior Agent is given 30 euro’s of shares Exec Agent is given 250 euro’s of shares Master Agent is given 700 euro’s of shares

17 Pre-Launch Offer OGI shares will be at the following pre-launch prices
NOW – 21st October euro 22nd October – 20th November euro PLUS

18 Can purchase extra shares and get
Pre - Launch Offer Anyone becoming a Master Agent will receive 20% extra shares And Can purchase extra shares and get 20% extra as well

As an agent you become part owner of the company We have our own Internal Stock Trading All stocks have 49 days of quarantine Maximum sale of stocks 5000/ day or / month 30% of earnings will be paid in stocks and 50% of the stocks will be quarantined for 49 days.

20 Turnover If we are 5000 Agents all spending 40€ on products each month
Our turnover is € a year If we get 10 agents or customers each, all spending 40 € a month Turnover is € a year

21 What do you think ? Do you think OGI will be worth more or less in one year’s time? Join OGI today Be part of YOUR room Spend 40 € per month on products Get other Agents or customers to do the same…

22 Official Global launch date 20th November 2004
Official Global launch date 20th November 2004 WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR ?

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