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Influence of UK Academic Research in Biochemistry

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1 Influence of UK Academic Research in Biochemistry
Ling-Yen Tseng1*, Yee-Shuan Lee2 and Yuh-Shan Ho2# 1School of Medical Technology, Taipei Medical University 2Bibliometric Centre, Taipei Medical University - Wan-Fang Hospital Introduction Biochemistry has adapted a rapid change in the past century in company with the research of basic mechanism in cells and has brought it to a new era. A quantitative analysis was done to evaluate the research performance concerning biochemistry in United Kingdom. In this study analysis variable including authorship, collaboration, institutes and citation pattern. Methodology The data for this study were based on Science Citation Index (SCI) database on the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. “Biochemistry” was used as the keyword to search as a part of the title, abstract or keyword and “UK or England or Scotland or North Ireland or Wales ” as a part of the address. Results and Discussion A total of 1363 papers were published in 510 SCI journals with citations from England, Scotland, North Ireland and Wales during the time span from 1991 to % were dominated by Article, 14% Review, 2.9% Editorial Material, 1.3% Meeting Abstract, 1.3% Note and 1.6% others. Annual publication output and CPP The 10 most collaboration counties for 1078 biochemistry related articles P: Publication, C: Times cited, CPP: citation per publication, RCR: Relative citation rate Distribution of number of author, publication and citation for 1078 articles Article Publication, citation, CPP and RCR of top 10 publishing universities The 15 most submitted journals for university’s article Conclusion The result denoted a strong England dominance in publication output by 84% and 87% share in articles and citations respectively, followed distantly by Scotland, Wales and North Ireland. 61% articles published by universities. Average citation per publication from 1991 to 2002 were 13.7 and 13.6 for university and UK respectively. The University of Oxford was the most contributor to the field of biochemistry in the UK. The results have denoted the yearly independent production of universities in UK has played a significant role in the yearly production of biochemical papers in UK where the average percentage share was 48%. USA dominance in international collaboration by 29% in articles and followed distantly by Germany, France and Canada.

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