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#3 - Review Questions What is the Major Difference between Christianity and Judaism? How did Christianity Spread throughout the Roman Empire? What was.

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Presentation on theme: "#3 - Review Questions What is the Major Difference between Christianity and Judaism? How did Christianity Spread throughout the Roman Empire? What was."— Presentation transcript:

1 #3 - Review Questions What is the Major Difference between Christianity and Judaism? How did Christianity Spread throughout the Roman Empire? What was the Edict of Milan? Basic Teachings

2 #3 - AIM: How did Christianity Evolve? (6.3)

3 Roman Catholic Church - HEIRARCHY
Pope: leader of Roman Catholic Church (First Pope: Peter – “Thou art my Rock”) – Petrine Supremacy Cardinal: Runs the large diocese. Bishop: Church official responsible for district area (diocese) Priest: work in local parishes

4 Petrine Supremacy Jesus said to Peter “You are Rock and on this rock I will build my church and the jaws of death shall not prevail against it. I will entrust to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you declare bound on earth shall be bound in heaven; whatever you declare loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew Chapter 16, Verses 18-19 The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church. He declares the body of beliefs all Catholics must accept – these beliefs are called dogma.

5 An overview of Saint Peter's Square taken from atop St Peter's Basilica.

6 Catholic Life The Church=center of life
provided for people’s spiritual needs “from cradle to grave” Needs met by priests - dispensed 7 sacraments: “miracle of the mass” during the Eucharist priest transforms bread/wine into the body/blood of Christ. SACREMENTS Baptism Penance Eucharist Confirmation Matrimony Holy Orders Anointing of the Sick

7 Rome Falls Roman Empire splits into 2 Empires and smaller states
Byzantine Empire in the East – Greek Culture Holy Roman Empire in the West – Latin Culture

8 Rome Falls Latin vs. Greek Disputes for centuries:
Use of break during communion Byzantine Empire condemned the Pope (Pope Leo IX) The Pope no longer had the influence nor the authority over the Byzantine Church.

9 [ Great Schism - 1054 1st permanent severing of Christian Community
West: In the Holy Roman Empire/ Roman Catholic in Rome East – Eastern Orthodox Byzantine Church in Constantinople

10 St. Basil-Moscow Salisbury Cathedral England


12 Reformation divides the Church- 1517
Underlying Causes of the Reformation – Political – Economic - Religious 1. Political: Monarchs challenged the power of the church. It became difficult to impose centralized power. Pope considered ‘foreign ruler’. Ideas of secular and the individual challenged Church authority.

13 The Reformation 2. Economic:
Kings’ jealous of Rome’s Wealth and resented paying taxes 1517 – Rome rebuilding St .Peter’s Cathedral Decide to sell indulgences

14 The Reformation 3. Religious - Church leaders are corrupt Selling of “Indulgences” – pardons that released people from performing penalties for their sins. Church leaders spent money patronizing the arts, spending extravagantly, fighting wars People call for reform

15 Martin Luther: 1483 – 1546 Immediate cause of Reformation
Martin Luther leads reform in Germany Martin Luther believed an individual’s own conscience, he/she should read the Bible and make their own decisions All people of faith are equal Church teachings based on the Bible. - People did not need priests to interpret the Bible. In 1517, Martin Luther enunciated 95 criticisms of the Church that resonated throughout Europe. The Protestant Reformation split the Church and led to centuries of warfare.

16 95 Theses [1517] 95 Theses – Criticisms
Resonated throughout Europe - Leads to Reformation Founding of Christian churches that do not accept the pope’s authority

17 Result: Those unhappy with Church for economic and political reasons – challenged the church. Pope threatened Luther with excommunication. – Luther did not stop

18 Protestant Life Accept Old / New Testaments as do Catholics
Do not accept miracle of the mass Eucharist = symbolic sacrament not a mystical process Ministers allowed to marry unlike Catholic priests (vow of celibacy) Large number of Protestant sects... such as???


20 Breakdown of Christianity
Early Christian Church Great Schism 1054 Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Reformation 1517 Protestantism Baptists Episcopalians Lutherans Methodists Anglicans

21 Religious Differences
Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Priests cannot marry Services conducted in Latin/local language divorce not allowed Pope claims authority over all kings/ emperors Priests can marry Services conducted in Greek/local language some divorces are allowed Emperor claims authority over Patriarch & bishops

22 Closure Name some Sects of Christianity What was the Great Schism?
What were the Reasons for the Protestant Reformation?

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