India’s First Empires.

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Presentation on theme: "India’s First Empires."— Presentation transcript:

1 India’s First Empires

2 Review of Unit 1

3 Indian Sub-Continent

4 The Harappan Civilization
3300 BCE BCE

5 Citadel Of Mohenjo- Daro

6 Aryan Migration

7 The Aryans Indo-Europeans Light skinned
Sanskrit – first written language Sacred literature (Vedas) Caste System

8 Mauryan Empire Began by Chandragupta Maurya 321 B.C.
Defeated the Nanda family Defeated Seleucus, one of Alexander’s generals Empire spanned 2,000 miles 600,000 soldiers 30,000 cavalry  9,000 elephants

9 Chandragupta Maurya

10 Running the Empire Kautilya  adviser to the emperor
 member of the priestly class  book (Arthasastra) held empire together Empire divided into four provinces  each headed by a royal prince  province divided by local districts  each district collected taxes

11 Asoka

12 Height of the Empire Asoka (uh-SOH-kuh) 269 B.C. – 232 B.C.
 name means “without sorrow” in Sanskrit  Chandragupta’s grandson  greatest Indian ruler  adopted Buddhism after a bloody battle  built road system w/ rest areas  established trade  built hospitals and created new laws  Architecture: pillars, stupa, and rock chamber

13 Ashoka Stupa

14 Rock Chamber

15 The Gupta Empire

16 The Gupta Empire Founded by Chandra Gupta (Gup-tuh)
 No relation to Chandragupta Maurya  Married into royal family Coins of Chandra

17 Samudra Gupta Son of Chandra Gupta  became king in 335 AD-380 AD
 appreciation of art  expanded the empire during 40 reign  acquired much gold thru conquest

18 Daily Life Northern India (patriarchal)  eldest male
 farmers irrigated their crops  paid tax on water Southern India (matriarchal)  headed by the mother  property and sometimes throne passed through female

19 India’s Golden Age 310-600 AD Chandra Gupta II 375-415 AD
 defeated Shakas to the West  opened trade to the Mediterranean  peaceful rule through diplomatic and marriage alliances Golden Age  Art & Learning based on Hindu principles  “Arabic numerals” developed by mathematicians  Aryabhata: used algebra & decimal system

20 Arabic Numerals

21 Aryabhata

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