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The writing triplets English Paper 1 Argue Persuade Advise

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Presentation on theme: "The writing triplets English Paper 1 Argue Persuade Advise"— Presentation transcript:

1 The writing triplets English Paper 1 Argue Persuade Advise
English Paper Inform Explain Describe

2 Is this going to be you?

3 Or is this going to be you?

4 Then learn these key tips

5 Key points to remember for writing
ARGUE = POINT OF VIEW Make several, separate, clear key points Examples / facts / opinions = support New point = new paragraph = clear first sentence Rhetorical questions/alliteration/triples Use “we” to involve reader Humour/counter - argument/repetition

Must convince your reader Several, separate, persuasive reasons Try shock and/or humour Use “we”/”us”/”our” to involve reader Rhetorical questions / alliteration / triples

7 ADVISE Might reassure and/or challenge Imperatives=”ask someone…” “talk to…” etc. Use can / could /may / might / will / would / shall / must / should Possibly sub-headings / bullet points

8 INFORM = GIVE DETAILS Must clearly tell your reader something Address the reader directly using “you” Best order for your info? = PLAN Paragraphs? Links between paragraphs?

9 EXPLAIN = GIVE DETAILS Must clearly show or demonstrate Develop the detail in your explanation Use examples to illustrate your points Careful step-by step order Paragraphs must be arranged sensibly

Try to paint a picture with words Use five senses: Sights? Sounds? Smells? Touch? Taste? Invent similes and metaphors Use best descriptive vocabulary Use adjectives and adverbs

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