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Grant/Meade’s move for Richmond & the ANV

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1 Grant/Meade’s move for Richmond & the ANV
Lecture 14 – October 31, 2012 1864 – Union 5-Prong Attack Grant/Meade’s move for Richmond & the ANV “Overland Campaign” – May – June 1864 Battle of the Wilderness – May 5-6; Battle of Spotsylvania Cthouse. - May 8-12 Battle of Cold Harbor – June 1-3 [“The Butcher”] Siege of Petersburg – begins June 12, 1864 –ends April 1865 Battle of the Crater – July 30 Sherman’s campaign for Atlanta (Bringing the Western Theater to the East) Sherman vs Joseph E. Johnston – May - June Johnston replaced by John Bell Hood – battles through July Siege of Atlanta – July – August / Taking Atlanta – Sept. 2nd Sherman’s March to the Sea – Nov. 16 – Dec. 21 (AtlantaSavannah) Shifting Military Policy Using African Americans --Confederates Respond to EP, Lincoln Counters Davis’s order United States Colored Troops – how & where they served / challenges to fighting Hard Hand of War – Sherman from Atlanta to the Sea /Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley POWs – The Evolution of Prisoner Exchange Policy Prisons – Why Have them? Were Northern Prisons Just as Bad as South. Ones? Deserters – When They Left and Why? Climax of War – 1865 – Sherman in the Carolinas, Special Field Order #15 D.C. – Congress passed 13th Amend., Creates Freedmen’s Bureau; Lincoln’s 2nd Inauguration Growing Military Desperation of Confederates – Negro Soldier Law


3 Philip Sheridan – Union Cavalry Commdr. chased Confederates back up the Valley (south) and laid waste to valley resources.

4 Georgia Campaign Grant & Lee in central Virginia 1864

5 Grant’s Overland Campaign

6 Petersburg Siege


8 Grant/Meade’s move for Richmond & the ANV
Lecture 14 – October 31, 2012 1864 – Union 5-Prong Attack Grant/Meade’s move for Richmond & the ANV “Overland Campaign” – May – June 1864 Battle of the Wilderness – May 5-6; Battle of Spotsylvania Cthouse. - May 8-12 Battle of Cold Harbor – June 1-3 [“The Butcher”] Siege of Petersburg – begins June 12, 1864 –ends April 1865 Battle of the Crater – July 30 Sherman’s campaign for Atlanta (Bringing the Western Theater to the East) Sherman vs Joseph E. Johnston – May - June Johnston replaced by John Bell Hood – battles through July Siege of Atlanta – July – August / Taking Atlanta – Sept. 2nd Sherman’s March to the Sea – Nov. 16 – Dec. 21 (AtlantaSavannah) Shifting Military Policy Using African Americans --Confederates Respond to EP, Lincoln Counters Davis’s order United States Colored Troops – how & where they served / challenges to fighting Hard Hand of War – Sherman from Atlanta to the Sea /Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley POWs – The Evolution of Prisoner Exchange Policy Prisons – Why Have them? Were Northern Prisons Just as Bad as South. Ones? Deserters – When They Left and Why? Climax of War – 1865 – Sherman in the Carolinas, Special Field Order #15 D.C. – Congress passed 13th Amend., Creates Freedmen’s Bureau; Lincoln’s 2nd Inauguration Growing Military Desperation of Confederates – Negro Soldier Law

9 Sherman’s Burning of Atlanta – September 1864
“All is fair in love and war?” -- what’s fair? what’s right? what’s appropriate conduct for war? Look to the Lieber Code – we will discuss on Friday.




13 Grant/Meade’s move for Richmond & the ANV
Lecture 14 – October 31, 2012 1864 – Union 5-Prong Attack Grant/Meade’s move for Richmond & the ANV “Overland Campaign” – May – June 1864 Battle of the Wilderness – May 5-6; Battle of Spotsylvania Cthouse. - May 8-12 Battle of Cold Harbor – June 1-3 [“The Butcher”] Siege of Petersburg – begins June 12, 1864 –ends April 1865 Battle of the Crater – July 30 Sherman’s campaign for Atlanta (Bringing the Western Theater to the East) Sherman vs Joseph E. Johnston – May - June Johnston replaced by John Bell Hood – battles through July Siege of Atlanta – July – August / Taking Atlanta – Sept. 2nd Sherman’s March to the Sea – Nov. 16 – Dec. 21 (AtlantaSavannah) Shifting Military Policy Using African Americans --Confederates Respond to EP, Lincoln Counters Davis’s order United States Colored Troops – how & where they served / challenges to fighting Hard Hand of War – Sherman from Atlanta to the Sea /Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley POWs – The Evolution of Prisoner Exchange Policy Prisons – Why Have them? Were Northern Prisons Just as Bad as South. Ones? Deserters – When They Left and Why? Climax of War – 1865 – Sherman in the Carolinas, Special Field Order #15 D.C. – Congress passed 13th Amend., Creates Freedmen’s Bureau; Lincoln’s 2nd Inauguration Growing Military Desperation of Confederates – Negro Soldier Law



16 Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Robert Gould Shaw


18 Libby Prison, Richmond, VA


20 Burying the Dead At Andersonville Prison


22 Captain Henry [Hartmann Heinrich] Wirz,
                                                       Captain Henry [Hartmann Heinrich] Wirz, Superintendent Andersonville Prison

23 1864 Sketch of a Union Prison Camp
                                                                                                         1864 Sketch of a Union Prison Camp

24 Baseball at Salisbury, NC Prison Camp


26 Union Prisoner Released
from Andersonville, Spring 1865

27 Grant/Meade’s move for Richmond & the ANV
Lecture 14 – October 31, 2012 1864 – Union 5-Prong Attack Grant/Meade’s move for Richmond & the ANV “Overland Campaign” – May – June 1864 Battle of the Wilderness – May 5-6; Battle of Spotsylvania Cthouse. - May 8-12 Battle of Cold Harbor – June 1-3 [“The Butcher”] Siege of Petersburg – begins June 12, 1864 –ends April 1865 Battle of the Crater – July 30 Sherman’s campaign for Atlanta (Bringing the Western Theater to the East) Sherman vs Joseph E. Johnston – May - June Johnston replaced by John Bell Hood – battles through July Siege of Atlanta – July – August / Taking Atlanta – Sept. 2nd Sherman’s March to the Sea – Nov. 16 – Dec. 21 (AtlantaSavannah) Shifting Military Policy Using African Americans --Confederates Respond to EP, Lincoln Counters Davis’s order United States Colored Troops – how & where they served / challenges to fighting Hard Hand of War – Sherman from Atlanta to the Sea /Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley POWs – The Evolution of Prisoner Exchange Policy Prisons – Why Have them? Were Northern Prisons Just as Bad as South. Ones? Deserters – When They Left and Why? Climax of War – 1865 – Sherman in the Carolinas, Special Field Order #15 D.C. – Congress passed 13th Amend., Creates Freedmen’s Bureau; Lincoln’s 2nd Inauguration Growing Military Desperation of Confederates – Negro Soldier Law


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