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Early United States through the War of 1812

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1 Early United States through the War of 1812
Unit 3 Final Exam Review Early United States through the War of 1812

2 The Federalist Papers 1. The Federalist Papers—essays written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay to gain support for the Constitution

3 Federalism 2. Federalism—dividing government into federal and state levels; caused tension that later led to the Civil War

4 Tariff 3. Tariff—tax on imports that protected American businesses and funded the government, but was hated by the South

5 Hamilton’s Financial Plan
4. Hamilton’s Financial Plan—created a Bank of the United States, covered state debts, created tariffs, and put excise taxes on citizens

6 Federalist Party 5. Federalist Party—led by Alexander Hamilton, wanted a strong federal government, and supported the Bank of the United States

7 Democratic-Republican Party
6. Democratic-Republican Party—led by Thomas Jefferson, wanted stronger state governments, and opposed the Bank of the United States

8 Whiskey Rebellion 7. Whiskey Rebellion—violent outbreak stopped by President Washington, proving the strength of the Constitution

9 Neutrality 8. Neutrality—Washington’s foreign policy that said the United States should not get involved in world affairs

10 Jay’s Treaty 9. Jay’s Treaty—agreement with Britain that allowed impressment to continue and angered Americans

11 Pinckney’s Treaty 10. Pinckney’s Treaty—agreement with Spain that gave the United States ACCESS to the Mississippi River and New Orleans

12 Washington’s Farewell Address
11. Washington’s Farewell Address—Washington’s message to Americans promoting neutrality and warning against political parties and sectionalism

13 Sectionalism 12. Sectionalism—loyalty to needs of region rather than country, existed between North and South, and later led to the Civil War

14 XYZ Affair 13. XYZ Affair—incident where French officials demanded bribes from Americans and caused the Quasi-War

15 Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
14. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions—argued that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and should be nullified

16 Nullification 15. Nullification—idea that states could cancel federal laws, caused tension that later led to the Civil War

17 Election of 1800 16. Election of 1800—this “revolution” was a peaceful transition of power from Federalists to Democratic-Republicans, showing the Constitution worked

18 Marbury v. Madison 17. Marbury v. Madison—established judicial review, the power of the Supreme Court to determine if laws are constitutional

19 Louisiana Purchase 18. Louisiana Purchase—action by Jefferson, not authorized by the Constitution, that doubled the size of the country and gave OWNERSHIP of the Mississippi River and New Orleans

20 Lewis and Clark Expedition
19. Lewis and Clark Expedition—mission to explore the Louisiana Territory and seek a water route to the Pacific Ocean

21 Chesapeake Affair 20. Chesapeake Affair—event in which American resisted British impressment and were attacked, raising tension with Britain

22 Embargo Act of 1807 21. Embargo Act of 1807—action by Jefferson that stopped trade with Europe to avoid impressment but hurt the American economy

23 Tecumseh 22. Tecumseh—Native American who allied with Britain after the United States violated Treaty of Greenville

24 War of 1812 23. War of 1812—military conflict between America and Britain that was the result of impressment, conflict with Native Americans, and the election of war hawks

25 Battle of New Orleans 24. Battle of New Orleans—major victory in the War of 1812 that created nationalism and made Andrew Jackson a hero

26 Hartford Convention 25. Hartford Convention—meeting of Federalists to criticize the War of 1812, which made them look unpatriotic and “killed” the party

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