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Addlestone Pre-school

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1 Addlestone Pre-school
November 2012 Hello, we hope you had a lovely half term and that the children are enjoying being back. As most of you know during half term, our lovely Fundraising Chair and Committee Member Lilli organised a Halloween Party as a fundraiser. Lilli and her team of wonderful helpers raised us a whopping £106 which will be spent or a new story sack for the Pre-School. Story sacks are a wonderful resource which are based on a Story but contains all the props and ideas you can use to capture and retain children’s attention. We would like to thanks all those involved in organising the event and to those who attended, with a special to Mel, Louise, Amanda, Sarah, Laura, Lindsay, Amandeep, Michelle and Shelly. You will probably have seen that posters are up and around the Pre-School about a Christmas Fair. We hope that you can all contribute to making the fair a success. Please speak with Lilli if you would like more information or if you would like to help. Parent Questionnaire The committee and Pre-School staff continuously strive to improve our standards. Therefore we have attached a Parent Questionnaire. We would really appreciate if you could complete this question and return it to us by the 7th December We can then collate your feedback and make sure we are giving the children what they need and want whilst in the setting. Photographs As you all know Terry Bayliss came into Pre-School to do our annual photo’s. If you would like to contact Terry regarding your photographs, his number is Preschool Fish The Pre-School have purchased two Fish. The children have decided to call the fish “Inky” and “Blob”. Please remember: Uniform must be named. Please provide a set of spare clothes for your child and a named water bottle. No parking in the school grounds. No smoking in the school grounds. If your child has had sickness or an upset stomach they must be kept away from school for 48 hours after the last episode. If you are sending money, medication or other important items into the preschool with your child, please remember to hand to a member of staff - do not leave in your child’s bag. Please remember that if you have any concerns we are always available at the beginning or end of the session or we will arrange a convenient time for you to speak to us. However, we do ask that you wait for all children to be safely collected at the end of a session before approaching a member of staff. Invoices We have changed the invoicing to 6 weekly. You will be receiving an up to date invoice or statement before the end of term to confirm what your balance is. Paying your fees by bank transfer In an attempt to minimise bank charges and simplify the payment process, we are encouraging parents to try to pay fees via bank transfer. Your invoice now includes our bank details if you wish to pay in this way. Please use your child’s name as the payment reference so that we are able to track the payment. If you have any issues with meeting these deadlines or for another copy of your invoice please feel free to speak with Dawn about this. Alternatively, Cheques can be written to Addlestone Pre-school and handed into a member of staff and we also accept Child care vouchers.

2 Wishing a Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of our Birthday Children
Session times: Morning sessions: 9.00am to 12.15 Afternoon sessions: to 3.00 Autumn Term dates: Monday 10th Sept 2012 – Friday 14th Dec 2012 Half Term Monday 29th Oct 2012 – Friday 2nd Nov 2012 Our Themes for this half term: We celebrated Halloween by Pumpkin carving, we made spider cakes, we made spiders, counted, receited the number of legs, we made pumkin soup and we made a pumpkin farm in our role play area. We did hand and footprint ghosts, we looked at where fruit grows and we made a scarecrow. We then celebrated Fireworks by making a Firework night poster, used the computer the make Fireworks poster, we explored mixing paint to make Fireworks pictures, we make some Breadstick Sparklers, we talked about the noises that Fireworks makes, we made fireworks junk modelling. We made Poppies for Remembrance Sunday. We celebrated Diwali by drawing around hands and then decorating using diwali patterns, we made diwali sweets and did a big scale diwali patten outside using Chalk. We listened and watched to the diwali story on the computer. We have lots happening for Christmas and I am sure you will see lots of things coming home. We are all recognising our pegs, put our coats on independently and learning lots of new stuff for Christmas. Term Dates We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the end of term is 14th December 2012 and we return to school on 7th January 2013. Fundraising and committee meetings All parents are welcome to join the committee and help with anything from fundraising to recruitment. If you’d like to learn more about what we do, please come along to our next committee meeting dates for 2012/13 are: Wednesday 16th January 2013 Wednesday 6th March 2013 Wednesday 1st May 2013 Wednesday 12th June 2013 We’ll also be sending out news of planned fundraising events soon. If you have any great money-making ideas, please come along to the committee meeting. Contact details Please can you let a member of staff know if any of your contact details have changed over summer. It is vital to have the right details for you, for correspondence and if there is any reason we need to get hold of you. If you would like to be added to the Pre-School electronic mailing list please can you Dawn will add you to the mailing list and you will get any information quicker then waiting for the half term newsletter. Wishing a Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of our Birthday Children November 13th – George (3) 19th – Frazer (3) 22nd – Sophia (4) 23rd – Amar (4) 25th – Rosie (4) 28th – Oliver U (3) 29th – Adam (4) December 11th – Oliver B (4) 29th – Liam (3) 30th – Alesha (4) Do we have the right details for you... Child’s Name: _________________________________ Parent/s: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ Telephone no: _________________________________ Mobile no: ____________________________________ Work no: _____________________________________ Emergency Contact: ____________________________ Authorising signature: ___________________________ Date: _________________

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