Public Bodies Climate Change Duties:

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Presentation on theme: "Public Bodies Climate Change Duties:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Bodies Climate Change Duties:
Wider Influence Reporting – Education sector 11 September 2017

2 Objectives What is wider influence reporting
Benefits of wider influence reporting reporting by education sector Reporting requirements & examples CL

3 What is it? Opportunity to document climate change policies and projects that have an impact beyond your corporate estate Includes projects with students, visitors, research, curriculum, partnership working with other public bodies/3rd sector organisations Most relevant to education sector as it is so closely tied to your functions JK

4 Benefits of wider influence
Opportunity to showcase the range of projects and work you do to promote sustainability Enables partnership working and knowledge exchange as it will highlight projects across the sector that can be used to develop case studies Links to Climate Change Plan and wider links to other organisations, may become mandatory JK

5 reporting - 42 education institutions submitted a Climate Change Report in - 11 reported information under the wider influence section - Varying degrees of reporting under each question: Number of institutions Historic emissions & Targets Mission to influence 3 Policies & actions 1 Partnerships & capacity building 10 Key actions 8 Further activity 5 CL

6 Questions? CL

7 Question 1 – Historic emissions
Provide any data you collect beyond your corporate boundary (if any) e.g. transport, land use emissions, biodiversity Other data can be added by clicking ‘other’ and providing comments JK That is us now covered all the required sections of the template. Which takes us onto another part of the template the recommended. You may have been placed on the list of major players due to your influence or impact on climate change which could be beyond your own corporate boundary. This section of the template allows public sector bodies to report on their wider influence in reducing GHG emissions and document relevant achievements not reported within the required section of the reporting template. This section is looking to document activities that are reducing GHG emissions beyond your own boundary and can include partnership working; behaviour change initiatives and capacity building.

8 Question 1 – Examples No education institutions reported this last year, typically most relevant for local authorities. However, you may want to consider whether you have historic data on: Student trip information e.g. travel plan information on university travel or cycle data statistics Waste data that is not scoped into your corporate data e.g. if student residence waste is recorded separately Energy data from halls of residence (assuming you have this separate to your corporate data) CL

9 Question 2a – Targets Complete as much as you can!
Provide a description here JK That is us now covered all the required sections of the template. Which takes us onto another part of the template the recommended. You may have been placed on the list of major players due to your influence or impact on climate change which could be beyond your own corporate boundary. This section of the template allows public sector bodies to report on their wider influence in reducing GHG emissions and document relevant achievements not reported within the required section of the reporting template. This section is looking to document activities that are reducing GHG emissions beyond your own boundary and can include partnership working; behaviour change initiatives and capacity building. Can be overall target or CCP specific

10 Question 2a – Examples Also not typically reported by education sector. Opportunity to consider setting targets for specific projects, e.g: - Waste recycling in student residences e.g. reduce waste to landfill from Halls of Residence 1 by 5% - Green transport initiatives to encourage sustainable transport e.g. reduce student car trips by 10% CL

11 Question 2b – Strategy, Plans or Policies to influence
Influencing emissions reduction beyond corporate boundary – students are a great example of this Provide links to external documents if relevant

12 Question 2b – Examples Edinburgh College: Sustainability Policy, influence outside boundary = Students, Communities, Contractors University of Strathclyde: - Strategic Plan 2015 to 2020 - Climate Change and Social Responsibility Policy - Sustainable Glasgow and Glasgow's H2020 Bid - Renfrewshire Council Low Carbon Transport Bid Climate Ready Clyde University of Edinburgh: - Climate Change Strategy - Research spanning behavioural and social change, cultural and technology studies, policy, law and business CL

13 Question 3 – Policies & Actions
Provide as much information as you can Add multiple rows Use the comments box for anything else Retrospective and future projects JK Examples in the slides. Perhaps worth mentioning the benefits including improves links; improved communications; effective & consistent approaches; sharing of best practice; engagement with environmental targets.

14 Question 3 – Examples University of St. Andrews:
Transport (bike pool, bike maintenance, cycle friendly campus) Business Industry & Public Sector Homes & Communities (carbon conversations, local food co-op) Waste & Resource Efficiency Rural Land Use Transition University of St Andrews is part of the UK-based Transition initiative. CL

15 Questions? JK

16 Question 4 – Partnership working, Comms & Capacity Building
Identifying good practice within public bodies Links between bodies Building a national picture of public, private and community action JK Examples in the slides. Perhaps worth mentioning the benefits including improves links; improved communications; effective & consistent approaches; sharing of best practice; engagement with environmental targets.

17 Question 4 – Examples Borders College: Economy & Low Carbon Workstream with Scottish Borders Council Edinburgh College: - EAUC Networking, best practice exchange, training, research, sector representations - RES training & audits - Zero Waste Scotland Workshops, events, consultations, awards Heriot-Watt University: - Supporting Edinburgh’s SEAP - Edinburgh Sustainable Development Partnership (ESDP) - Participation in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships - Research programmes concerning issues relevant to climate change mitigation and adaptation - Teaching programmes with climate change implications - EAUC engagement CL

18 Question 4 – Examples cont’d
Glasgow School of Art: - Dr. Bike & Uni-cycle - Glasgow Scrap Store membership - Zero Waste Scotland Radial project, focusing on material resource use, and food surplus - EcoCampus accreditation (Loreus) - FROGGS (Friends of Garnethill Green Spaces) - WARPit online donation service - Glasgow HEIs information sharing, support and events - EAUC Scottish & UK conference organisation, topic support networks, GSA leads on communication engagement TSN - Central Scotland Green Network Trust Sustrans improved cycling infrastructure PLUS Queen Margaret University, Abertay University, University of Dundee, University of Edinburgh, St. Andrews University, University of Strathclyde

19 Question 5 – Key Actions Categories: Food & Drink Biodiversity Water
Remember to give a concise description here Categories: Food & Drink Biodiversity Water Procurement Resource Use JK Examples in the slides. Perhaps worth mentioning the benefits including improves links; improved communications; effective & consistent approaches; sharing of best practice; engagement with environmental targets.

20 Question 5 – Examples Food & Drink: Community growing (Edinburgh College), Sustainable food policy (Strathclyde), Eat more veg/reduce meat campaign (GSA) Biodiversity: Optimising estate design (QMU), Edinburgh Living Landscape Partnership (Uni of Edinburgh), BIOBLITZ (St. Andrews), Community Garden & Biodiversity Policy (Strathclyde) Water: Systematic management of water capture & use (QMU) Resource Use: Increase re-use of resources (Glasgow School of Art). WARPit (Uni of Dundee), End of term halls re-use initiative (Uni of Dundee) CL

21 Questions? CL

22 Reporting team: Jennifer Kaczmarski, Craig Dun, Cara Labuschagne
Key resources & contacts Website: Reporting guidelines and reporting platform information Training slides Populated examples Deadline – 30th November 2017 Reporting team: Jennifer Kaczmarski, Craig Dun, Cara Labuschagne JK

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