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Remind App: Class Codes

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1 Remind App: Class Codes
Text Class Code to the phone number 81010 Block Block Block

2 Mr. Goldberg Mrs. Kosmowsky
LANGUAGE ARTS 6 Mr. Goldberg Mrs. Kosmowsky

3 COURSE BACKGROUND The class will focus on several novels and uses of literary devices. Students will learn how to comprehend author’s purpose and various genres of literature. In addition, the class will focus on several aspects of writing. Students will learn how to write in different styles and in response to various questions or themes. This will be an intensive writing course.

4 Computer Use Agreement Forms
Please make sure that your child’s computer use form is submitted. Without it, they cannot use the Chromebooks.

5 READING WORKSHOP Reading and understanding text is extremely important in society From following directions to enjoying fantastic literature, we must understand the purpose of a written text From individual reading to group efforts, there are several components to ensuring understanding of text

6 READING WORKSHOP TEXTBOOK – IT’S ONLINE! Literature Circles Fishbowls
Class Reading Group Reading Literature Book Novels Poetry Informational Text Non-fiction

7 WRITING WORKSHOP Studies show that being able to write is the single most important skill to a bright future Writing is a process that takes time to ensure accuracy and that a clear message is established Writing takes on various forms and is used in various aspects of life. This includes resumes to movie scripts.

8 WRITING WORKSHOP Grammar & Mechanics Sentence Structure Description
Story-telling Persuasion Informational Poetry Peer Editing Conferencing

In addition, the rules in the school handbook will be followed.

10 RULES (continued) Respect yourself, your classmates, your school and your teacher No gum chewing Keep hands and materials to self Must have a pass to leave the classroom. May not leave the classroom in the first or last 10 minutes of class (unless emergency). Raise hand to be called on. Come prepared and ready to learn every day.

1st Offense: Warning 2nd Offense: Sent to Office / Call Home

12 CLASS MATERIALS One 3-ring binder with notebook paper OR single subject notebook and folder 2 pens, 2 pencils, 1 red pen Independent Reading Novel Headphones Whiteboard Dry Erase Markers and eraser (a clean sock works)

13 GRADING PROCEDURE The grading procedure will follow district guidelines. Assignments are broken down into two categories: MINOR: Homework/Preparation/Classwork/Quizzes MAJOR: Tests/Major Assignments

14 Minor Assignments This will include:
Daily homework assignments (Not necessarily given each night. Refer to my webite for assignments) Class assignments Preparation Grade per marking period Being in class with materials, on time. Any regular class assignments Quizzes (may be pop quizzes for reading)

15 Tests/Major Assignments
This may include: Tests Major Writing Assignments that have multiple drafts Major group projects Major individual projects

16 Extra Credit Extra Credit is possible and is listed on School Wires.
For example, Extra Credit may be earned through the Extra Credit projects for the Individual Reading assignments.

A: (A ; A 95-97; A ) B: (B ; B 86-88; B ) C: (C ; C 77-79; C ) D: (D ; D 68-70; D ) F: 64 & below

18 TYPICAL DAY 10 Minutes Silent Reading Journals / Mini-Lesson
Individual Work Group Work Closure *This is not all we will do, but rather an outline for the class routine*

19 CONTACTING ME E-mail is the best way to contact me:
Use my School Wires to stay informed on class information Use the online gradebook to stay up-to-date on grades New School Phone Number:


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