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Cyberbullying and Electronic Stalking

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Presentation on theme: "Cyberbullying and Electronic Stalking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyberbullying and Electronic Stalking
Hind Al-Ghamdi

2 Outline General information about the paper
Introduction about the research The formula used for prevention Conclusion and recommendation My own recommendation

3 General information about the paper
Danielle Gomez Cyber-bullying and Electronic Stalking: The Ins and Outs of these Offenses on the Rise Eastern Michigan University ( College of Technology ) 2008.

4 Introduction about the research
Cyber-bullying Electronic Stalking

5 Cyber-bullying “ when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones ”

6 Types of cyber-bullying
Direct attacks By proxy


8 Causes of cyber-bullying

9 Electronic Stalking “ Electronic Stalking, also known as Cyber- stalking, an extension of the physical form of stalking, is where the electronic mediums such as the Internet are used to pursue, harass or contact another in an unsolicited fashion ”

10 Types of Electronic Stalking
People with prior relationship with the victim People without a prior relationship People who are motivated by a disorder called Erotomania


12 The Formula used for prevention
Educate children about the consequences of it Keeping your identity private Document everything

13 Conclusion & Recommendations
The scope of cyberbullying is affecting more adolescents than people are aware of. As study in (University of Calgary) shown that over half the students knew someone that had been cyberbullyed. While, electronic Stalking has been shown to be a crime that the law is fairly new on. States have been trying to get a grasp on it since it has only become prevalent in the past decade. If a person finds themselves as a target of an electronic stalker they should make sure to document everything and take the proper legal action to protect themselves.

14 My own recommendation Choose your friends Avoid troubles
Always get back to your parents Keep your things safe Know who you’re talking to

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