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Cyberbullying Old Problem, New Playground. Bullies are no longer restricted to the school yard. They are often online, out of the sight and earshot of.

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Presentation on theme: "Cyberbullying Old Problem, New Playground. Bullies are no longer restricted to the school yard. They are often online, out of the sight and earshot of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cyberbullying Old Problem, New Playground

2 Bullies are no longer restricted to the school yard. They are often online, out of the sight and earshot of teachers and parents.

3 When a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. Cyberbullying

4 When a child is tormented by another child using digital technologies. Cyberbullying

5 For the Sake of Clarity Cyberbullying has a minor on both sides or at least starts that way. Once adults become involved, it is cyber-harassment or cyberstalking. Adult cyber-harassment or cyberstalking is NOT called cyberbullying.

6 Nearly 60 percent of children state that someone has made mean or hurtful comments about them online…

7 …and more than four out of 10 children indicate that this kind of harassment has happened to them more than once, according to an i-SAFE survey of 1,500 students.

8 How Are Kids Cyberbullied? Cyber bullies: Pretend they are other people online to trick others Spread lies and rumors about victims Trick people into revealing personal information Post pictures of victims without their consent National Crime Prevention Council website -

9 There are two kinds of cyberbullying: direct attacks (messages sent to your kids directly) direct attacks (messages sent to your kids directly) cyberbullying by proxy (using others to help cyberbully the victim, either with or without the accomplice's knowledge). cyberbullying by proxy (using others to help cyberbully the victim, either with or without the accomplice's knowledge). Because cyberbullying by proxy often gets adults involved in the harassment, it is much more dangerous. How Are Kids Cyberbullied?

10 How Can This Happen? When teens were asked why they think others cyberbully, 81 percent said that cyberbullies think it’s funny. National Crime Prevention Council website -

11 Cyber bullies: Don’t think it’s a big deal Don’t think about the consequences Are encouraged by friends Think everybody cyberbullies Think they won’t get caught National Crime Prevention Council website - How Can This Happen?

12 Effects of Cyberbullying Youth who are cyberbullied report feeling angry, hurt, embarrassed, or scared. These emotions can cause victims to react in ways such as: Seeking revenge on the bully Seeking revenge on the bully Avoiding friends and activities Avoiding friends and activities Cyberbullying back Cyberbullying back National Crime Prevention Council website -

13 One of the most threatening aspects of being a victim of cyberbullying is that… …You can’t see the bully and you often don’t even know who it is.

14 Cybersafety is Everybody’s Business The fight against cyberbullying needs the cooperation of the schools, parents, and the children all together.

15 A victim of cyberbullying can: Block communication with the cyberbully Delete messages without reading them Report the problem to an Internet service provider or website moderator National Crime Prevention Council website - What Can You Do?

16 The anonymity that seems to go with being online is a big help to cyberbullies but they can be found. If you are cyberbullied and decide you want help, save all communication with the cyberbully and talk to a parent, teacher, police officer, or other adult you trust. National Crime Prevention Council website - What Can You Do?

17 A victim of cyberbullying can: Talk to his/her friends about what is happening Refuse to pass along cyberbullying messages Tell his/her friends to stop cyberbullying National Crime Prevention Council website - What Can You Do?

18 Rules to live by: If you wouldn’t say it in person, you won’t say it online. Delete cyberbullying: Don’t write it; don’t forward it. National Crime Prevention Council website - Cyberbullying

19 National Crime Prevention Council website - Resources

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