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The French Revolution and Napoleon

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1 The French Revolution and Napoleon
Chapter 23 The French Revolution and Napoleon

2 The French Revolution Begins
1700s France seemed advanced, but had underlying problems - 1770s –Old Regime – 3 social classes called estates 1st Estate – Roman Catholic Church 2nd Estate – rich nobles 3rd Estate – 97% of people Bourgeoisie – middle class Workers Peasants

3 The French Revolution Begins
1st and 2nd estates held high offices and paid little taxes Bourgeoisie – bankers, factory owners, merchants, professionals and skilled artisans; wealthy and paid high taxes, but had few privileges Workers paid poorly, and frequently unemployed and hungry Peasants – 80% of population – paid taxes and tithes on most things 3rd Estate was eager for change

4 The French Revolution Begins
Enlightenment and American Revolution inspired French for equality, liberty and democracy Merchants, factory owners and bankers were struggling Taxes made business difficult Crop failures and starvation Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette spent extravagantly, borrowed to help Americans, and inherited debt

5 The French Revolution Begins
Antoinette from Austria – gowns, jewels, gambling and gifts – French didn’t like Austrians Each Estate had 1 vote 3rd Estate objected and called for National Assembly and were locked out of meeting room Storming of the Bastille for weapons – hacked guards and displayed heads on pikes

6 The French Revolution Begins
Peasants rise up against nobles during Great Fear Riots break out in Paris over food and the king flees

7 Revolution Brings War & Terror
Out of fear nobles and clergy make all estates equal National Assembly adopts rights similar to America’s Church lost land and independence as church officials were elected Sale of church lands put towards French debt Peasants felt church and Pope should be separate from the state

8 Revolution Brings War & Terror
Louis XVI tries to escapes to Netherlands and is returned to Paris National Assembly debates over a constitution for 2 years Constitutional monarchy with a Legislative Assembly to create laws that monarchy needed to enforce Debt and food shortages divide the assembly

9 Revolution Brings War & Terror
Emigres – nobles and others who fled France wanted to restore the Old Regime while others (poor) wanted additional reforms Other countries were concerned that events in France could undo their monarchies

10 Revolution Brings War & Terror
Prussia & Austria invades France in 1792 Mob takes Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette prisoner Mobs killed priests and nobles in September Massacres New government formed as king is deposed and constitution thrown out Declared a Republic and men were given the right to vote (no women)

11 Revolution Brings War & Terror
Jacobin radicals control the National Assembly and try the king for treason king executed by guillotine French upset Austria and Prussia, but Britain, Spain and Holland join fight. Draft instituted including women Robespierre gains power and tries to eliminate past and Sundays

12 Revolution Brings War & Terror
Reign of Terror for 1 year has over 40,000 tried and executed the same day Robespierre was then tried and executed ending the terror Directory consisting of 5 men and 2 legislative bodies then governed France with Napoleon commanding the army

13 Napoleon Forges an Empire
5’ 3” and a military genius Napoleon goes from officer to leader of France 1795 Napoleon saved delegates and was sent to lead army against Austria where he did well Lost in Egypt, but kept it from the papers in France

14 Napoleon Forges an Empire
Coup d’etat – 1799 – sudden seizure of power Peace is established in 1802 and 1800 constitution gives Napoleon power Plebiscite – vote of the people Strengthened central government and improved the economy Set up schools (lycees) and reduced corruption

15 Napoleon Forges an Empire
Recognized church but kept it out of government affairs Napoleonic Code – uniform set of laws that were good except for limiting freedoms and restoring slavery crowned himself emperor

16 Napoleon Forges an Empire
Wanted to build an empire, but got out of the Americas and sold LA purchase for $15 million Controlled Netherlands, parts of Italy and Switzerland and was looking for more Britain, Russia, Austria and Sweden join against France Crushed opposition (page 666) Only opposition left was British navy

17 Napoleon Forges an Empire
Horatio Nelson wins Battle of Trafalgar off Spanish coast Win ensures Britain as naval power for next 100 years and forces Napoleon to find another way to beat Britain Napoleon controlled through threats, force or puppets most of Europe Empire was large and unstable. Lasted from 1807 to 1812


19 Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
Napoleon divorces Josephine and marries an Austrian (Marie Louise) to have a son Napoleon II so he has an heir Napoleon’s desire for power was ultimately his downfall Continental System attempts to destroy trade and commerce in Britain with a blockade which was not tight enough

20 Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
British respond with blockade of their own that angers Americans and starts the War of 1812 Napoleon in an attempt to take Portugal through Spain ends up angering the Spanish and fighting guerillas for 6 years British back guerillas and French lose 300,000 men in peninsular War

21 Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
1812 Napoleon invades Russia with over 420,000 troops Russians respond with scorched earth policy as they retreated to Moscow which was destroyed by the Russians 10,000 soldiers were left to fight at the end

22 Napoleon’s Empire Collapses
Britain, Russia, Prussia and Sweden join and attack an inexperienced French army Napoleon surrenders and is exiled to Elba New king struggles, Napoleon escapes and is defeated in Waterloo, Belgium on Napoleon sent to St. Helena in S. Atlantic where he dies in 1821

23 The Congress of Vienna The Congress of Vienna meets to establish peace and stability in Europe Von Metternich of Austria led Contain France – Netherland and Germany formed Balance of Power in Europe Legitimacy – restore royal families to power to stabilize politics and laws Peace and stability lasted 40 years

24 The Congress of Vienna Governments become more conservative
Russia, Prussia and Austria – absolute monarchs Britain and France – constitutional monarchies Holy Alliance – relations based on Christian principles to combat revolution Concert of Europe – countries of Europe would help each other put down revolutions Many still wanted freedom and liberty

25 The Congress of Vienna Spanish American colonies and Mexicans fight and maintain independence Brazil declares independence from Portugal Congress of Vienna impacts world for 100 years Nationalism spreads leading to later revolutions More and more people see democracy as best way for equality and justice

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