Penguins!!! By Kimberly Frazier.

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Presentation on theme: "Penguins!!! By Kimberly Frazier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Penguins!!! By Kimberly Frazier

2 Fun facts about Penguins
Penguins are birds that cannot fly. Penguins are very social animals. They use their flippers as propellers when they are in the ocean.

3 What do Penguins Eat? Penguins eat many aquatic animals.
They mainly stick with a diet of fish and squid. Some of the penguins deviate from this diet to eat things such as krill and rock crabs.

4 How Do Penguins Move? In the ocean, penguins use their flippers to propel themselves through the ocean. On land, penguins awkwardly waddle back and forth to get where they need to be.

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