Aim: Did Industrialization and Industrialists of the late 1800s have a more positive or negative effect on America? Do Now: Create a list of people who.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Did Industrialization and Industrialists of the late 1800s have a more positive or negative effect on America? Do Now: Create a list of people who."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Did Industrialization and Industrialists of the late 1800s have a more positive or negative effect on America? Do Now: Create a list of people who you think are some of the richest people in America today, if possible write down how they achieved their wealth.

2 The Four Richest Men in America
Bill Gates $81 Billion Dollars Warren Buffett $65 Billion Dollars 3. Jeff Bezos $67 Billion Dollars 4. Mark Zuckerberg $55 Billion Dollars

3 Mr. Griffin’s $81 Billion

4 Pioneers of Industry John D. Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie J.P. Morgan Cornelius Vanderbilt These men created the beginnings of what we call industry today, but like the billionaires of today there is controversy on the way they do business and the effect that has on the workers and the economy itself.

Pioneers of Industry John D. Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie J.P. Morgan Cornelius Vanderbilt OPEN INDUSTRIALISTS READINGS WORKSHEET

6 Key Vocabulary Robber baron: a powerful capitalist or industrialist who is considered to have become wealthy by exploiting natural resources, corrupting politicians, or other unethical means.  Captain of Industry: a title that is used to describe business people who are especially successful and powerful; they often donated money and gave back to society.

7 Industrialization The period of social and economic change that transforms society from agricultural to industrial. Factories – mass production Growth of cities - Urbanization Transportation – railroad Industrial Revolution: the change from making goods by hand at home to mass producing goods by machines in a factory.

8 Child Labor

9 Child Labor "The task first allotted to Robert Blincoe was to pick up the loose cotton, that fell upon the floor. Apparently nothing could be easier……..although he was much terrified by the whirling motion and noise of the machinery and the dust with which he was half suffocated………he soon felt sick and was constantly stooping; his back ached. Blincoe took the liberty to sit down. But this he soon found was strictly forbidden in cotton mills. His overlooker, Mr. Smith, told him he must keep on his legs. This he did for six and a half hours without a break." Reporter for "The Lion". Written in 1828.

10 Effects of Industrialization
Positive Negative Growth of cities New technology Faster transportation Boost in economy Growth in banks Overcrowding Disease Child labor Low wages Poor working conditions Pollution Gap between rich and poor

Pioneers of Industry John D. Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie J.P. Morgan Cornelius Vanderbilt USE FACTS FROM WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED In history, should these Industrialists be viewed as Captains of Industry or Robber Barons?

12 Industrialization – Positive or Negative?
Strongest Country

13 Take out Homework – WE SHALL DEBATE
Write a paragraph on whether or not Industrialization and Industrialists had a more positive or negative effect on America. Include at least 3 pieces of evidence to back up your stance.

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