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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Industrialists Inventions Vocabulary Industrialization.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Industrialists Inventions Vocabulary Industrialization Etc…

2 Who is associated with the steel industry?

3 Andrew Carnegie

4 Who was most associated with the oil industry?

5 J D Rockefeller

6 Who used the assembly line process to mass produce automobiles?

7 Henry Ford

8 What is the belief that those who acquire great wealth are morally responsible to help others?

9 Gospel of Wealth

10 What is the major problem with monopolies?

11 Reducing Competition

12 What is the economic theory that means government should not interfere?

13 Laissez Faire

14 What title was given to wealthy industrialists who exploited labor and used illegal practices?

15 Robber Barons

16 What are apartment buildings that often housed immigrants?

17 Tenements

18 What is a legal arrangement in which a board of trustees consolidates the voting of stock of different companies ?

19 Trusts

20 What is one group’s exclusive control of the means of producing or selling a product or service?

21 Monopoly

22 What is the process that revolutionized the steel industry??

23 Bessemer Process

24 What term means the large-scale public systems, services, and facilities of a country or region that are necessary for economic activity, including power and water supplies, public transportation, telecommunications, roads, and schools?

25 infrastructure

26 What is needed to build infrastructure in a country??

27 Steel (railroads, bridges, etc.)

28 Who started the process of making steel with a faster process which revolutionized the industry and reduced costs and the need for labor?

29 Henry Bessemer

30 Along with the lightbulb, what other invention helped in that discovery?

31 Electric Generator Engine

32 What organizational strategy did Carnegie use to control production and distribution to create efficiency and profit?

33 Vertical Integration

34 In reaction to restrictions on business, Rockefeller reorganized his business how?

35 Setting up a board of trustees

36 What is industrialization?

37 Machine made products (factories)

38 What was the purpose of a trust?

39 To control prices

40 What is needed to ratify an amendment to the US Constitution? Who is associated with banking?

41 JP Morgan

42 Who is associated with transportation?

43 Cornelius Vanderbilt

44 What filament finally worked for Edison to make the light bulb work?

45 Cardboard (carbon)

46 What positive terms were used to describe the industrialists of the late 1800s?

47 Captains of Industry

48 What man went into the slums of New York and took pictures of horrible city life?

49 Jacob Riis

50 What is horizontal integration?

51 Owning all of the businesses of a particular product

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