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Sectors of the media industry

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1 Sectors of the media industry
Alexander Reeve

2 Advertising and marketing
The definition of marketing is “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.” The definition of advertising is “the activity or profession of producing advertisements for commercial products or services.” Advertising and marketing are everywhere from posters to TV, billboards to radio, you just can’t go any where without there being advertising. It is used to sell products to the target audience and everything will have been taken into consideration so that as much of that target audience will see the ad for that product.

3 Films There are many different film companies from Disney to Paramount, they are the investors and provide the budget. The director is in charge of the project and responsible for its creation. They make their money by selling tickets, merchandise, DVDs (or blue ray) and the right for TV and websites to show the movie. They can also advertise with other companies like McDonalds, so both companies benefit.

4 Radio Radio is sound changed into radio waves received by a radio and changed back into sound. Radio is mostly used for music, however there are news and talk stations that use little to no music . Radio is mostly listened to in cars but can be accessed through apps, internet and portable radios, some examples are BBC Radio 1 and Heart.

5 Computer games Computer or video games are a story in which you are the main protagonist going through the story. There are many kinds of games from first person shooters to classic arcade games, but they all share a similar goal; to beat or complete the game. Computer games are the biggest entertainment industry in the world and some of the most diverse media there is, but can be expensive. A lot of big companies like Sony or Microsoft put the price very high near release then, a couple years later its much cheaper.

6 Print and press Print and press are usually a medium of telling news or a story like newspapers, magazines or books. There are lots of different variations that cover lots of different topics or in books genres. Main examples of this would be the sun newspaper, people magazine and the Harry Potter books. However these different types of print and press are different; newspapers report recent facts from around the world or a local area, magazines tell gossip and rumours on celebrity's and novels tell a usually fictional story.

7 Music Music is someone's expression through song, sometimes telling a story but it doesn’t always need to make sense. There are many different genres of music like heavy metal, pop, rap, country and so on. Music is so diverse it is hard to narrow down specific examples, there are singers, song writers, producers, editors, instrumentalists and many more. Music can be about telling a story, having a good time or be there in the background of things like TV, movies and shopping centres. Although it is very important in the media industry as it can add to the experience of a sound track in popular media, such as video games, movies and TV.

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