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past present and future

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Presentation on theme: "past present and future"— Presentation transcript:

1 past present and future
The mobile web, past present and future Alex Christoforou Wadja, Inc. @alexwadja

2 A historic technology shift

3 Social Media is more popular than…

4 Mobile devices surpassed PCs in 2010

5 Social is now mobile

6 The post PC world – R.I.P.

7 Post PC world - iPhone 2007 (modern smartphone)
- iPad in 2010 (modern tablet computer)

8 Shift in how we interact with devices

9 Apple defined the ecosystem
Hardware Apps App Store

10 App are everywhere! Device Native – Web Native – Hybrid
Who has downloaded an App?

11 Thank you Average number of apps per user
37 Apple - 22 Android - 10 Blackberry Thank you Mention Once you've signed up and chosen a Twitter username, you and others can mention an account in your Tweets by preceding it with symbol, eg: "Glad your shipment Retweet When you see a Tweet by another user that you want to share, click Retweet below it to forward it to your followers instantly. Message If you want to privately Tweet to a particular user who's already following you, start your Tweet with DM or D to direct-message them, eg: is your order number?" Hashtag Users often prepend # to words in their Tweets to categorize them for others eg: "Check out our new products for the Fall #fallsale" Think of hashtags as the theme of your Tweet. Users can then click on a hashtag to see other similarly-themed tweets and find yours in search.

12 Can you spot the Web Native Apps?
(hint: 8 of the below are web native)

13 Built with various tools
38+ App stores platforms 600,000 Apps 450,000 Apps Built with various tools

14 Developers are the new kingmakers

15 Apps make the mobile device a must have
Thank you Mention Once you've signed up and chosen a Twitter username, you and others can mention an account in your Tweets by preceding it with symbol, eg: "Glad your shipment Retweet When you see a Tweet by another user that you want to share, click Retweet below it to forward it to your followers instantly. Message If you want to privately Tweet to a particular user who's already following you, start your Tweet with DM or D to direct-message them, eg: is your order number?" Hashtag Users often prepend # to words in their Tweets to categorize them for others eg: "Check out our new products for the Fall #fallsale" Think of hashtags as the theme of your Tweet. Users can then click on a hashtag to see other similarly-themed tweets and find yours in search.

16 Thank Sold - $1 Billion Mention
Once you've signed up and chosen a Twitter username, you and others can mention an account in your Tweets by preceding it with symbol, eg: "Glad your shipment Retweet When you see a Tweet by another user that you want to share, click Retweet below it to forward it to your followers instantly. Message If you want to privately Tweet to a particular user who's already following you, start your Tweet with DM or D to direct-message them, eg: is your order number?" Hashtag Users often prepend # to words in their Tweets to categorize them for others eg: "Check out our new products for the Fall #fallsale" Think of hashtags as the theme of your Tweet. Users can then click on a hashtag to see other similarly-themed tweets and find yours in search.

17 Smartphone usage has huge upside Advertisers follow eyeballs

18 iPods changed media – iPhone grew fast – iPad growth is amazing!

19 Android adoption even faster than iPhone

20 Mobile search is exploding

21 From an operators viewpoint
Apps are important, they drive mobile internet usage More usage equals more revenue Operators want to become part of the app ecosystem APIs for developers Operator billing Revenue share with app owners Developer community programs (at&t developer network) Promote local apps (at&t and verizon app store) source (mobile entertainment - From an operators viewpoint Thank you Mention Once you've signed up and chosen a Twitter username, you and others can mention an account in your Tweets by preceding it with symbol, eg: "Glad your shipment Retweet When you see a Tweet by another user that you want to share, click Retweet below it to forward it to your followers instantly. Message If you want to privately Tweet to a particular user who's already following you, start your Tweet with DM or D to direct-message them, eg: is your order number?" Hashtag Users often prepend # to words in their Tweets to categorize them for others eg: "Check out our new products for the Fall #fallsale" Think of hashtags as the theme of your Tweet. Users can then click on a hashtag to see other similarly-themed tweets and find yours in search.

22 Alex Christoforou Wadja, Inc.
Thank you Alex Christoforou Wadja, Inc. @alexwadja Mention Once you've signed up and chosen a Twitter username, you and others can mention an account in your Tweets by preceding it with symbol, eg: "Glad your shipment Retweet When you see a Tweet by another user that you want to share, click Retweet below it to forward it to your followers instantly. Message If you want to privately Tweet to a particular user who's already following you, start your Tweet with DM or D to direct-message them, eg: is your order number?" Hashtag Users often prepend # to words in their Tweets to categorize them for others eg: "Check out our new products for the Fall #fallsale" Think of hashtags as the theme of your Tweet. Users can then click on a hashtag to see other similarly-themed tweets and find yours in search.

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