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Welcome to Auce Municipality
Auce municipality is municipality with name, municipality with soul, as the land is the strength, land is the life!
Center of municipality - Auce Rural territories - Bēne Ukri Vītiņi Īle
Total area - 517,8 km² Center of municipality - Auce Rural territories - Bēne Ukri Vītiņi Īle Vecauce Lielauce Railway: Ruba – Auce - Riga Distance from Auce to: Rīga – 100 km Dobele – 38 km Jelgava – 60 km Distance to the ports: Ventspils – 154 km Liepāja – 133 km
In Auce municipality to 01/07/2013
Population In Auce municipality to 01/07/2013 The total number of population in Auce municipality
Auce local municipality was established in 2009 by merging Auce town and its rural territory, as well as Bēne, Īle, Lielauce, Ukri and Vītiņi parishes. The municipality is located in the south of Latvia between Zemgale and Kurzeme, only 7 km from the Lithuanian border. Auce municipality is crossed by the motor-roads Rīga – Jelgava – Auce – Ezere and Tukums – Auce – border of Lithuania. Limestone, sand and gravel are extracted in Auce neighborhood. The municipality is rich in forests, which cover almost 20 thousand hectares (38.6% of the total area). However, more than half of the territory is occupied by agricultural land, namely it is about 26 thousand hectares (50.2% of the total area).
Age and gender structure of population
in Auce municipality to 01/07/2013
Unemployment Unemployment to 31/01/2013: 12.1 %
( in Latvia – 8.3 %; in Zemgale region – 9.2%)
Education in Auce municipality
PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION 5 nusery schools (1 day and night nusery school) SECONDARY EDUCATION Auce Secondary School Bēne Secondaru School MUSIC AND ART EDUCATION Auce Music School Bēne Music and Art School* ADULT EDUCATION Auce Adult Education and Information Centre Vacational education programme in Computer Design Nearest vacational education – Dobele Crafts and Coprehensive Secondary School: ●Hospitality services ●Catering services ●Car mehanization●Food processing technician ●Hairdresser Nearest higher education – Latvia University of Agriculture in Jelgava
Entrepreneurship The geographic alocation of the municipality and its vast area create favorable conditions for sustainable socio-municipal economic development. The main busness activities of the registred companies are production and processing of agricultural products (28%), redering sevices (57%), industrial production (14%) and tourism (1%) The municipality is proud of such prospering enterprises as a textiles munufacturer EK Auce Ltd., a metal working industry Tehnika Auce Ltd., sea buckthorn growing and processing company Dienvidi Plus Ltd. Tand Ukri Ltd. is one of the largest farms in the municipality that is engaged in the cultivation of grain. State Training and Research Farm Vecauce deals with the development of agricultural sciences and training of new specialists. In 2010 Business Garden was set up in Auce town with the aim to develop business activitiea in the border area of Latvia.
Retail trade, food processing
Largest companies by turnover Company Turnover, mio. EUR Sector SIA « Bēnes PB» 5.1 Retail trade, food processing SIA «Tehnika Auce» 2.8 Metal processing, production of equipment SIA «LLU mācību un pētījumu saimniecība «Vecauce»» 2.2 Diversified agricultural company SIA «TND UKRI» 1.8 Crop farming SIA «EK Auce» 1.4 Manufacture of garmets
Offers in Auce municipality In Auce Town
Address Owner Property Tipe Area (m2) Electricity(E), Water(W), Sewerage(S) Notes Miera Str. 10 Municipality Legal entity Land Buildings 2172 506 E, W, S For business institution, office, sales and service facility Tehnikas Str. 8 State 18075 5107 Indusrial building site Bēnes Str.7 1858 448 Jura Mātere Str.1A 2533 1204
Address Owner Property Tipe Area (m2) Electricity(E), Water(W), Sewerage(S) Notes Stacijas Str.6 Municipality Land Buildings 538 163 E, W, S For business institution, office, sales and service facility Miera Str.25 Individual Legal entity Land Buildings 1924 650 Miera Str.16 1638 211 Pils Str.3 3744 160 For sales and service facility
Address Owner Property Tipe Area (m2) Electricity(E), Water(W), Sewerage(S) Notes Raiņa Str.31 Inividual Land Buildings 3224 282 E, W, S For business institution, office, sales and service facility Raiņa Str.19 Legal entity 1892 500 Raiņa Str.18 Individual 808 45 E
In Bēne Parish Address Owner Property Tipe Area (m2)
Electricity(E), Water(W), Sewerage(S) Notes Rūpniecības Str.2C Legal entity Land Buildings 3000 1945 E, W, S Indusrial building site Rūpniecības Str.2B Individual 34100 1633 350 376 E (The owner lives abroud) Rūpniecības Str.2 20700 2200 3929 306 580 920
In Ukri Parish Address Owner Property Tipe Area (m2)
Electricity(E), Water(W), Sewerage(S) Notes «Papeles» Municipality Land Buildings 4020 1070 For business institution, office, sales and service facility «Skola» 16525 1838 For public, social care institution, office «Ukru ēdnīca» Legal entity Building 1000 154
In Īle Parish Address Owner Property Tipe Area (m2)
Electricity(E), Water(W), Sewerage(S) Notes Manor «Stirnas» Legal entity Land Building 254500 1364 95 180 E, W, S (were) Object is a cultural monument Manor «Īles sanatorija» State 230900 1635 167 410 72 227 110 258 80 165 154
In Lielauce Parish Address Owner Property Tipe Area (m2)
Electricity(E), Water(W), Sewerage(S) Notes «Ezerkrasti», Klēts Municipality Land Building 3200 3011 E For public, social care institution, office «Ezerkrasti», «Ezerkrasti 1» (2nd floor) 2100 700
Auce Local Municipality Jelgavas Str. 1, Auce LV-3708 www. auce
Auce Local Municipality Jelgavas Str. 1, Auce LV
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