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Travel to the Middle East

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1 Travel to the Middle East

2 Middle East after WWII Soviets Stayed in Iran after the War
They wanted OIL Both US and USSR has supported governments in this area, and has tried to rid the area of governments to support their own point of view The United States supported the Shah of Iran as he attempted to put down a Islamic based rebellion Ayatollah Khomeini was the Muslim leader who defied the Shah and won the support of Iran despite American efforts Muslims in this area have largely opposed American policy ever since

3 USSR fight for Afghanistan
In Afghanistan, the Soviets had similar misfortune in trying to put down Islamic based revolution The revolution threatened communism in Afghanistan The United States supported the rebels to provoke the Soviets This group later became the TALIBAN Current Leader of the Taliban, Osama Bin Ladin

4 Conflict in Palestine A movement to settle Jews into Palestine began in the late 1800’s Jews believed that it was there home because it had belonged to them thousands of years ago However, Muslims had lived there for the past thousand years Britain gained control of the area following WWI and stated in interest in creating a Jewish nation there. This became known as the Balfour Declaration

5 Israel Divided After World War II, Britain left the area and the United Nations divided the area into two sections, one each for Jews and Palestinians Islamic nations opposed the plan, as did the Palestinians In 1948, the Jews in Palestine declared the Jewish Nation of Israel Six neighboring Islamic nations invaded Israel With help from the United States, Israel was able to fight off these Islamic nations

6 Palestine Losses Their Land to Jews

7 Peace is Never Truly Reached
Despite many efforts to achieve peace, Israel and the Palestinians have failed to do so. Palestine wants its own nation back The PLO, Palestinian Liberation Organization led by Yasir Arafat has worked to gain a nation for Palestine The struggle continues today

8 Israel Today – The Religious Battle
Wailing Wall – The remainder of the Holy Temple for Jewish believers. Church of the Holy Sepulchre – Christians believe it is the location where Jesus was eventually buried Dome on the Rock – Muslim Temple - believed to be the second holiest place on Earth and the site where Muhammad ascended into Heaven

9 The Path of Egypt Aswan Dam was built
First Dam built in 1899 – 1902 by the British Second Dam built in 1952, after Egyptian Revolution led by Nasser United States and Britain gave $270 million in return for Nasser’s leadership on resolving the Arab-Israeli Conflict America’s and Britain’s Financial Support was withdrawn on July 19th, 1956 Nasser was secretly making agreements with China and Czechoslovakia USSR funded project in 1985 This caused more tensions between the US and the USSR Panorama View of Aswan Dam in Egypt

10 Demand for Suez Canal 1956, Suez Canal Crisis
British had 20 year lease on the Suez Canal from July 26th, Nassar, the leader of Egypt, declared the Suez Canal nationalized and any country could use it  Wanted Egyptian forced to seize the canal Lead to violent hostilities to British and American forces and use of Suez Canal Mediterranean Sea Egypt Suez Canal

11 Fight for Suez Canal English, French, and American forces fought to regain control of canal Fighting ended when the United Nations created United for Peace Resolution Established the first United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) Final withdraw of troops took place in December 22, 1956 Egypt takes control of the Canal June 5, 1967 – June 10, 1967  Egypt blocked Israel from using the Canal Leading to the Six Day War

12 The War Continues in Israel
In 1967, the Six Day War broke out when Egypt, Iran, Jordan, and Syria attacked Israel. Israel fought off the attack in a single week, they took control of new areas In 1973, Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat attacked Israel At first the Arab forces took territories Israel Prime Minister Golda Meir responded and Israel regained their territory

13 Problems Solved (sort of)
In 1977, Egypt and Israel signed the Camp David Accords Israel gave land back to Egypt  Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty (1979) Egypt recognized Israel, the first Islamic nation to do so This angered many Arabs and Sadat was assassinated in 1981 Anwar Sadat, Jimmy Carter, and Menahem at the Camp David Accords document signing

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