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Battles of WWII in Europe

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1 Battles of WWII in Europe

2 Tactics Blitzkrieg lightning war Submarine Warfare
Hitler used surprise rapid force to break through enemy lines. Concentrating tanks, infantry, artillery and air power against enemies. Submarine Warfare Wolf pack, Hitler used submarine warfare against allied convoys. Britain used submarines in the Atlantic and Mediterranean against axis warships, submarines, and merchant shipping.

3 Europe Germany invades France
May 1940, Germany launched a major offensive . Paris surrenders within a few weeks Evacuation at Dunkirk Operation Dynamo Evacuation of Allied soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk. Battle of Britain first major campaign to be fought entirely by air forces. the largest and most constant aerial bombing campaign. Britain does not surrender.

4 Europe Stalingrad December 1941 – Winter weather stops Germans outside of Moscow. Hundred’s of thousands of German soldiers were killed or captured. Prevented Hitler from gaining access to Soviet Union oil fields. Hitler is defeated and the war is turned against Germany in the east; TURNING POINT in Eastern Europe. Normandy Landings D-Day (Operation Overlord) Eisenhower and Allied Troops storm the beaches June 6, 1944. Liberation of Western Europe had begun.

5 V-E Day Victory in Europe Day May 8, 1945
Allies accept the unconditional surrender of the armed forces of Nazi Germany.

6 Battles of WWII in the Pacific

7 Pearl Harbor Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
Kamikaze (divine wind); Japanese suicide bombers. December 7, 1941, “a date which will live in infamy” USS Arizona destroyed; sank killing 1,177 of the 1,400 on board. United States declared war on Japan December 8, 1941 and then Germany on December 10, 1941.

8 Battle of Midway June 1942 Turning point battle in the Pacific
Americans destroyed four Japanese carriers and 322 planes. America lost one carrier and 150 planes

9 Island Hopping/Iwo Jima
Allies strategy to free lands conquered by Japan. Allies attacked islands not heavily defended by the Japanese as they moved closer to Japan. Iwo Jima Allies established a base closer to Japan 6,000 soldiers were killed during the campaign and several thousands were wounded. February 1945; American soldiers planted the U.S. flag at the top of the island’s Mount Suribachi.

10 Manhattan Project 1942 Top secret program to build an atomic bomb.
Led by J. Robert Oppenheimer, the project team worked for three years to construct the weapon. Truman told Japan that if they did not surrender they would face destruction.

11 Hiroshima/Nagasaki
August 6, 1945 Enola Gay, B29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Explosion killed 130,000 people. Japan refused to surrender. August 9, 1945 United States dropped a 2nd atomic bomb on Nagasaki. 35,000 killed instantly, with thousands more later dying from radiation poisoning.

12 V-J Day August 15, 1945; Japan surrenders. September 2, 1945
Japanese and Allied leaders met aboard the U.S. battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

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