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Ch.33-4 Notes Effects of Drugs on Nervous System

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1 Ch.33-4 Notes Effects of Drugs on Nervous System
EQ: What is a neuron transmitter and how does taking drugs affect how our nervous system work? TURN IN WARM-UPS TODAY If you did not turn in Reaction Lab make sure to turn in today!!!

2 Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Effects of Drugs How Drugs Work A drug is a substance, natural or artificial, that alters the function of the body.

3 Chapter 33 Nervous System

4 Some drugs affect the nervous system in the following ways:
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Effects of Drugs Some drugs affect the nervous system in the following ways: can cause an increase in the amount of a neurotransmitter that is released into a synapse can block a receptor site on a dendrite, preventing a neurotransmitter from binding can prevent a neurotransmitter from leaving a synapse can imitate a neurotransmitter

5 Many drugs that affect the nervous system influence the level of
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Effects of Drugs Many drugs that affect the nervous system influence the level of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Normally, dopamine is removed from a synapse by being reabsorbed by the neuron that released it.

6 Classes of Commonly Abused Drugs
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Effects of Drugs Classes of Commonly Abused Drugs Stimulants Drugs that increase alertness and physical activity Nicotine Caffeine

7 Drugs that tend to slow down the central nervous system
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Effects of Drugs Depressants Drugs that tend to slow down the central nervous system Alcohol Inhalants Illegal drugs

8 Tolerance and Addiction
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Effects of Drugs Tolerance and Addiction Tolerance occurs when a person needs more and more of the same drug to get the same effect. The psychological and/or physiological dependence on a drug is addiction.

9 Chapter Resource Menu Chapter Diagnostic Questions
Nervous System Chapter Resource Menu Chapter Diagnostic Questions Formative Test Questions Chapter Assessment Questions Standardized Test Practice Glencoe Biology Transparencies Image Bank Vocabulary Animation Click on a hyperlink to view the corresponding lesson.

10 Which is not one of the main parts of a neuron?
Chapter 33 Nervous System Chapter Diagnostic Questions Which is not one of the main parts of a neuron? axon cell body dendrites nucleus

11 Another name for a nerve impulse is _______.
Chapter 33 Nervous System Chapter Diagnostic Questions Another name for a nerve impulse is _______. synapse threshold reflex arc action potential

12 What occurs when a motor neuron synapses with a muscle cell?
Chapter 33 Nervous System Chapter Diagnostic Questions What occurs when a motor neuron synapses with a muscle cell? muscle contracts muscle relaxes pain numbness

13 What type of neuron begins a reflex arc?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.1 Formative Questions What type of neuron begins a reflex arc? interneuron motor neuron sensory neuron transmitter neuron

14 What is another name for nerve impulse?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.1 Formative Questions What is another name for nerve impulse? synapsis threshold action potential neurotransmitter

15 A stronger stimulus will cause a stronger action potential.
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.1 Formative Questions True or False A stronger stimulus will cause a stronger action potential.

16 the high concentration gradients of potassium ions inside the cell and
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.1 Formative Questions When a neuron is at rest, what maintains the high concentration gradients of potassium ions inside the cell and sodium ions outside the cell?

17 diffusion osmosis active transport ion channels
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.1 Formative Questions diffusion osmosis active transport ion channels

18 Which is not part of the central nervous system?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.2 Formative Questions Which is not part of the central nervous system? brain spinal cord interneurons sensory neurons

19 What does the cerebrum regulate?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.2 Formative Questions What does the cerebrum regulate? breathing and heart rates complex motor skills sleep, aggression, and fear voluntary body movements

20 Some reflexes are processed only in the
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.2 Formative Questions True or False Some reflexes are processed only in the spinal cord and do not need input from the brain.

21 What is a nerve? a bundle of axons a chain of neurons
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.2 Formative Questions What is a nerve? a bundle of axons a chain of neurons a sensory synapse a series of impulses

22 What part of the nervous system is usually under voluntary control?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.2 Formative Questions What part of the nervous system is usually under voluntary control? autonomic nervous system somatic nervous system sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system

23 What are sensory receptors?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.3 Formative Questions What are sensory receptors? cells that create action potentials and thresholds localized areas of the central nervous system chemicals that cross a synapse between two nerve cells specialized neurons for detecting the world around you

24 Which part of the eye contains light- detecting receptors?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.3 Formative Questions Which part of the eye contains light- detecting receptors?

25 What is the function of the optic nerve?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.3 Formative Questions What is the function of the optic nerve? It forms a visual image. It controls the muscles of the iris. It interprets light intensity and colors. It sends action potentials to the brain.

26 Where are sound vibrations converted into nerve impulses?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.3 Formative Questions Where are sound vibrations converted into nerve impulses?

27 Where are the sensory receptors that
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.3 Formative Questions Where are the sensory receptors that detect your body’s position and motion?

28 It is an artificial substance. It influences the nervous system.
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Formative Questions Why is caffeine a drug? It is a depressant. It is an artificial substance. It influences the nervous system. It builds tolerance to its effects.

29 Which neurotransmitter is influenced by
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Formative Questions Which neurotransmitter is influenced by nicotine and amphetamines, and is involved with most types of addiction? adenosine dopamine epinephrine serotonin

30 Which is not a stimulant?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Formative Questions Which is not a stimulant? alcohol caffeine nicotine methamphetamine

31 What is the term for the body’s decreased response to a drug?
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Formative Questions What is the term for the body’s decreased response to a drug? addiction dependence tolerance withdrawal

32 When people who are addicted try to quit, why
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Formative Questions When people who are addicted try to quit, why is it difficult to resist going back to the drug? Adenosine levels increase. Dopamine levels decrease. The central nervous system slows down. Action potentials in neurons become stronger.

33 Physiological dependence on a drug is
Chapter 33 Nervous System 33.4 Formative Questions True or False Physiological dependence on a drug is stronger than psychological dependence.

34 Name the part of the brain that is responsible for memory.
Chapter 33 Nervous System Chapter Assessment Questions Name the part of the brain that is responsible for memory. hypothalamus medulla oblongata cerebrum cerebellum

35 Contrast the functions of the cerebellum and the cerebrum.
Chapter 33 Nervous System Chapter Assessment Questions Contrast the functions of the cerebellum and the cerebrum. Answer: The cerebellum controls balance, coordination, and motor skills. The cerebrum controls learning, memory, speech, voluntary body movements, and sensory perception.

36 What part of the brain is identified in the image? pons cerebrum
Chapter 33 Nervous System Chapter Assessment Questions What part of the brain is identified in the image? pons cerebrum hypothalamus medulla oblongata

37 How do nerve impulses travel in a neuron?
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice How do nerve impulses travel in a neuron? dendrite cell body axon dendrite cell body axon dendrite cell body axon

38 What carries signals from the axon of one
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice What carries signals from the axon of one neuron to the dendrite of another neuron? interneurons ion channels neural nodes neurotransmitters

39 Which word best describes the hypothalamus?
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice Which word best describes the hypothalamus? processor reflexor regulator transmitter

40 What part of the brain is highly developed
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice What part of the brain is highly developed in animals that have finely tuned balance and complex coordination? cerebellum medulla thalamus temporal lobe

41 How do the sympathetic and parasympathetic
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice How do the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems act together? They send and receive neurotransmitters. They send opposing signals to the same organs. They balance voluntary and involuntary responses. They receive the same impulses from different receptors.

42 Why is this receptor located closest to the surface of the skin?
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice Why is this receptor located closest to the surface of the skin?

43 It detects heavy pressure. It detects light touch.
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice It detects cold. It detects heat. It detects heavy pressure. It detects light touch.

44 What substances in the body are most
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice What substances in the body are most closely associated with a drug’s influence on the nervous system? endorphins Na+ and K+ ions neurotransmitters proteins

45 Where in the nerve pathway do drugs have their primary effect?
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice Where in the nerve pathway do drugs have their primary effect? axons dendrites synapses myelin sheaths

46 Which step is blocked by cocaine?
Chapter 33 Nervous System Standardized Test Practice Which step is blocked by cocaine?

47 Glencoe Biology Transparencies
Chapter 33 Nervous System Glencoe Biology Transparencies

48 Chapter 33 Nervous System Image Bank

49 Section 1 Vocabulary neuron dendrite cell body axon reflex arc
Chapter 33 Nervous System Vocabulary Section 1 neuron dendrite cell body axon reflex arc action potential threshold node synapse neurotransmitter

50 Section 2 Vocabulary central nervous system peripheral nervous system
Chapter 33 Nervous System Vocabulary Section 2 central nervous system peripheral nervous system cerebrum medulla oblongata pons hypothalamus somatic nervous system autonomic nervous system sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system

51 Section 3 Vocabulary taste bud lens retina rods cochlea
Chapter 33 Nervous System Vocabulary Section 3 taste bud lens retina rods cochlea semicircular canal

52 Section 4 Vocabulary drug dopamine stimulant depressant tolerance
Chapter 33 Nervous System Vocabulary Section 4 drug dopamine stimulant depressant tolerance addiction

53 Visualizing Action Potential Impulse Movement
Chapter 33 Nervous System Animation Visualizing Action Potential Impulse Movement

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