Coaches Meeting Wednesday 20th July 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Coaches Meeting Wednesday 20th July 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaches Meeting Wednesday 20th July 2016
Focus: To consider how we design and deliver better sessions, especially for our higher-ability players

2 Ministry of Football: Story so far…
NOW 2007 2011 2014 ??? First session in Muswell Hill with two children First 4v4 Mini-League Set-up as Ltd company ? First: Parents evening Coach Ed event Coaches Manual Reached 100 children MoF Futsal Club started 208 spaces

3 Ministry of Football: Where are we at?
Each term (aim) Programmes: Sunday skill sessions Thursday skill session Mon & Thurs Futsal Club 4v4 Mini-League Coach development: Coaches Meeting (external speaker) Coaches practical Coach observations What we do well Introduction to football (5 year olds, but also throughout primary school) Building confidence Well-organised, good communication Local football Word-of-mouth advertising Game-based learning Enjoyable experiences Our main wealth and resource is our coaches (i.e. YOU!)

4 Bigger numbers, more children Better quality, deeper relationships

5 Michael Walsh Educator ‘Let’s Think’ programme Parent Four children
MoF Parent Nicky, Connor and Tara have attended over 250 sessions between them Michael has probably watched 175+ MoF sessions Footballer Still plays football

6 Who leaves the programme?
Retention rate (70-85% retention rate term-on-term) 52 children have left the 5pm, 6pm & 7pm Sunday classes over last 12 months 30 from Red groups; 22 from Yellow groups 43 boys; 9 girls Some of the highest ability boys and girls on the programme What do we know about the boys and girls who come to our programmes? What about why the parents choose MoF?

7 What is ‘fun’? Focus-group discussion with 12 girls about PE in Newington Green Primary School What did they mean when they said ‘fun’? Include everyone, everyone comfortable together No-one feels alone or is left out Team work, and working with others Make up own games Take it in turns Look after each other (e.g. say sorry if someone falls over) Give a chance to show what we can do/achieve Boys shouldn’t be noticeably different from girls Swimming is by far the most popular PE option for girls in primary school. Why? Is this just girls?

8 What is enjoyment? How would you describe this?
How would you recognise it? What does it sound like? How do we help all children experience this? Is this good for learning? What is enjoyment?

9 Flow and the Flow zone “You yourself are in an ecstatic state to such a point that you feel as though you almost don’t exist. I’ve experienced this time and again. My hand seems devoid of myself, and I have nothing to do with what is happening. I just sit there watching in a state of awe and wonderment. And it just flows out by itself.” - Music composer Defending when outnumbered "I was already on pole, and I just kept going. Suddenly I was nearly two seconds faster than anybody else, including my team mate with the same car. And suddenly I realised that I was no longer driving the car consciously. I was driving it by a kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension. It was like I was in a tunnel.“ - Ayrton Senna, describing his win in the Monaco Grand Prix in 1988 LEARNING (desirable difficulties) 3v3 game Passing in pairs How would a child describe the state of immersion in football a game?

10 Flow & Session Design Think about 5pm, 6pm or 7pm Yellow groups, or Advanced Futsal Club: What do we need to include or consider in designing and delivering a session in order to help children achieve flow states? Games Opposed Competitive With goals or ways to score Grouping Smaller groups = more involvement Other children at similar level, or a bit higher level (in football, other children provide the level of the task) Task and Space Relevant (to football) Realistic (to football) Easily explained and easily understood Role of coach Not too many intrusions or interferences How to teach? “Drive-bys” Individual Child-child Adjust STEPs* CREATE / ALLOW RHYTHM *STEPS: Space, task, equipment, people

11 Videos and photos We will now look at 5 videos of activities from children’s football sessions. As you watch, make notes on the following questions: Which activity has intensity and flow, and which don’t? Why? Why not?

12 1.

13 2.

14 3.

15 4.

16 5.

17 Flow, Rhythm and Intensity
Consider and discuss: ‘Fun’ and ‘Enjoyment’ are what children say: But what do they mean? How do we help all high-ability children experience flow in sessions? Sidelines. How do we keep the children away from the walls while also keeping the game flowing? What about the highest ability child in the each group. How do we push them to the flow zone and learning zone? What would the children do if they had no coach, just a ball and some space? Why? What is the role of the coach in a game-based session? How do we, the experts, extend the children’s learning within the 3v3 game?

18 September 2016 term Thursdays – Mark will continue 4v4 Mini-League
Red Yellow Sunday 4pm Michele Mark Sunday 5pm Chris Sunday 6pm Pete Sunday 7pm Monday FC 6pm 7.30pm Thursdays – Mark will continue 4v4 Mini-League Coach Education – what would be most useful?

19 Q&A / AOB Thanks for your time

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