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Bodies-Research on the “real” differences between men and women

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1 Bodies-Research on the “real” differences between men and women
Lecture slides corresponding to Chapter 3 in textbook

2 Lecture outline I. Research on gender differences II. Defining “real”
III. The nature/nurture debate

3 Sexual dimorphism What is sexual dimorphism and what can we learn about human gender differences from black widow spiders, elephant seals, sockeye salmon and green spoonworms?

4 The gender binary might be an ideology, but there are real differences between men and women right?

5 Research on gender differences
The Hyde study: Looked at 124 measures of possible differences No differences between men and women for 30% of traits examined Evidence of small differences for 48% of traits examined Medium or large differences for remaining traits examined What traits had the largest differences? Do these match up with your findings?

6 The Hyde study found… No gender difference or small gender difference for: -reading comp, abstract reasoning, talkativeness, likelihood of disclosure to friends and strangers, tendency to interrupt others, assertiveness of speech, negotiation style, approach to leadership, depression, life satisfaction, activity levels, flexibility, vertical jumping ability…the list goes on Medium or large differences for: -???

7 “real differences” The hyde study eludes to some real measurable differences between men and women, but what is a “real” difference? Why is it such a complex task to find “real” differences? Pg 37 quote

8 Defining “real” Def #1-Sex differences are real if they can be measured Observed differences: the results of surveys, experiments, and other scientific ways of collecting information Possible problems: People may act or respond differently when they know they are being “observed” People lie Study results can be manipulated in many ways, especially through priming- At trick in which study subjects are reminded of a stereotype right before a test or experiment

9 Defining “real” Def #2: sex differences are real if they are observed in all or most contemporary and historical cultures Problem: The vast majority of traits studied show considerable cross-cultural variability Math ability Different measurement produce different results Standardized tests vs grades in classes

10 Defining “real” Def #3: sex differences are real if they are biological Learned differences vs biological differences Genes Sex limited and sex influenced genes Hormones Differing levels of hormones may contribute to some gender differences Brains Brain organization theory

11 Def #4: Sex differences are real if they are biological and immutable
What is mutability? By this definition, almost no variables count as “real” differences between men and women

12 The nature/nurture debate
What is the nature/nurture debate Why are both sides wrong? According to the authors of our textbook? Naturalism vs culturalism?

13 The case of genie-feral children
What makes us human? What makes one a women or a man? Would a child born on an island and was somehow able to survive act human? Masculine? Feminine?

14 Biology-Society interaction
Gene-environment interaction Hormonal feedback loops Brain plasticity

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