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Peanut Butter is Forever

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1 Peanut Butter is Forever
By Melanie Zola Katie Goode

2 Setting The story Peanut Butter is Forever is in Lethbridge Alberta.It has modern seventh grade kids going to Clearveiw Junior High.

3 Characters The characters in Peanut Butter is Forever are Michelle Leland , her sister Terez,her mother, Michelle’s new friend Bonnie,Frank, teachers, and Michelle’s old best friend Dora Klutzmann.

4 Conflict The conflict in the story Peanut Butter is Forever is Michelle is going into grade seven in Clearveiw Junior High and her family does not want her to stay best friends with Dora Klutzmann because they think the kids at junior high will make fun of her because Dora is not too mature and she has a nick name of Klutzy. So Michelle needs to get a new best friend!!!

5 Plot The plot of Peanut Butter is Forever is about
a girl named Michelle Leland and her friendship with Dora Klutzman. Michelle’s mom and her sister Terez tell her that she can not have Dora as a friend now that she is going to Clearveiw Junior High. Michelle gets a new friend Bonnie. Frank is planing to play a trick a trick on Dora with the help of his friends and Bonnie and Michelle. They are going to lock Dora in her locker. When the time comes to play the prank and everybody is in place Dora is coming down the stairs for a big surprise Michelle yells to her to run but Frank gets really mad at Michelle and punches her.


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