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Support in Department additional support staff Chair/A.D.

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1 Support in Department additional support staff Chair/A.D.
Dean Chair/A.D. key department administrator additional support staff functional support, managed by others The support in departments varies widely by Faculty, and by the size of the academic unit; even the job titles are not consistent. Larger departments and schools typically have an “Administrative Officer” with staff to support activities such as graduate students, finances, space, and teaching Small departments may have only 1 or 2 staff members who become “masters of everything”. Some academic leaders (e.g. Associate Deans) have staff to whom they can delegate work, but the staff actually is formally managed by a staff administrative manager. This eliminates the need for all Academic Leaders to become HR management experts and allows them to focus on their core objectives.

2 Support at Faculty Level
Dean Executive Officer Faculty Financial Officer Director of Advancement Faculties are all very different in terms of the support provided at the Faculty level This shows three that are common to all faculties These people are not only there to support the Dean – they provide support directly to Chairs, Directors and Associate Deans as well Common to all faculties

3 Faculty Financial Officer
Financial Management Reporting, audits Compliance, Expenses Financial Planning Multi-year budgets Financial impact analysis Fund forecasts (trusts, research) Scholarship agreements Note specifically assistance with impact analysis, forecasts, scholarships Financial Training

4 Director of Advancement
Development Goals and Priorities Fundraising and Donor Relations Develop Terms of Reference Relations with Donors Campus Visits Alumni Relations Events

5 Executive Officer Human Resources Other Resources Policy and Legal
Staff structures, skills, recruitment Support for faculty Other Resources Finances Space Policy and Legal Areas of support that Executive Officer may provide Policy guidance Committees and Councils External agreements Privacy and Record Management

6 Support Provided re: Staff
Functional Direction Goal-setting Recruiting Resource changes Training Coaching Performance Management Organizational Changes Attendance Performance Reviews Career planning Conflict Management Since each department and faculty operates differently, the best way to describe the support is as a continuum. The things on the left-hand side are typically managed in department (close to the source) The things on the right-hand side usually require more knowledge of policy, more experience and so tend to be handled at the Faculty level by the Executive Officer The things in the middle tend to vary, depending upon the size of the unit and the expertise of the staff. For example, a large school with it’s own Administrative Officer will probably handle the purple stuff in house, using the EO as a consultant. Department/School staff Executive Officer

7 Support Provided re: Faculty
Appointments Immigration Salary Increases Tenure and Promotion Sabbaticals Policy Advice Onboarding Service Appointments Conflict Management This is similar to the staff slide in terms of support provided at the department level vs. that at the Faculty level. Department/School staff Executive Officer

8 In-house support and SMEs
Conflict Management Human Rights Looking at today’s agenda (and future agendas) you will see many areas that are led by your SMEs. These are just a few areas where you also have in-house support available, either through your EO or departmental staff. FIPPA Wellness

9 Tips for Effective use of provided support
Briefing meetings With your EO With your FFO, review budget and expectations With your administrator; review Chair Timeline Be mindful of downward communication Consider regular meetings to touch base Understand functional direction vs. management responsibility

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