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Presentation Template & Guidelines Partner Guide

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Template & Guidelines Partner Guide"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Template & Guidelines Partner Guide
Tracy Doyle Director Alliances

2 Objective Provide QAD team an understanding of you/your offering
Template & Presentation Guidelines Objective Provide QAD team an understanding of you/your offering Provide you a tool to create an effective presentation

3 Template & Presentation Guidelines
Purpose Provide a professional, consistent foundation for all partner overview presentations Make it easy to build your presentation Provide tips for building your presentation Guidelines on content strategy Guidelines on fonts and punctuation Guidelines on visuals and graphics Provide template slides ( ) Upon completion: Remove all other slides from your presentation final presentation to

4 Content Guidelines – Audience
Presentation Guidelines Content Guidelines – Audience Remember – your audience is the QAD sales team Salespeople want to know How to solve our customer’s problems Who to sell to Value to customers Sales process for your solution Help QAD sales identify the customer’s problems and communicate the benefits of your solution Don’t need to see screens or detail

5 Content Guidelines – Outline
Presentation Guidelines Content Guidelines – Outline [Partner] Overview (1 slide) Solution Overview(1-2 slides) Business Challenges Solved (1 slide) Who To Sell To & Value (1-2 slides) Customers & References (1slide) Sales Process (1 slide) Qualifying Prospects (1 slide) Sales Considerations (1 slide) Support and Services (1-2 slides) Summary (1 slide)

6 Content Guidelines – Less is More
Presentation Guidelines Content Guidelines – Less is More Ask or Remind Yourself: 5x7 rule: Maximum 5 bullets, no more than 7 words per bullet “What can I remove that won’t change the meaning?” Speaker script – put in slide notes PowerPoint Guidelines Use bullet ‘appear’ animation to show bullets one at a time, you can optionally make it bold to stand out from previous bullet points

7 Punctuation Guidelines
Presentation Guidelines Punctuation Guidelines Capitalize every word in the title Capitalize only first word of each bullet point Do not capitalize words in the body of a slide unless they are proper nouns Proper nouns name a specific person or thing Exception - Topics Slide No punctuation at the end of bullet text Do not use words like “for example” or “etc.”

8 Presentation Guidelines
Font Guidelines Never use a font size smaller than 20 pts because your audience won’t see it If you need a font size smaller than 20 pts to fit everything, you have too much info Aim for 28 pt for first level bullet text 24 pt for second level bullet text 20 pt for third level bullet text – 4 levels is too many Minimum of 20 pt Century Gothic font for text boxes

9 Visuals and Graphics Guidelines
Presentation Guidelines Visuals and Graphics Guidelines Keep diagrams simple – use SmartArt Don’t stretch pictures Minimize the use of screen shots The audience can’t see them Talk about benefits, not features Don’t shadow text – it is hard to read NO clip art See example slides

10 Standard Slide Examples Section
Presentation Guidelines Standard Slide Examples Section

11 General Slide Example Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Point A Point B
Presentation Guidelines General Slide Example Bullet 1 Point A Point B Point C Bullet 2 Point D Point E Bullet 3 Point F

12 Section Header Example
Presentation Guidelines Section Header Example

13 Presentation Guidelines
Example Graphic Slide

14 Example Diagram Slide Presentation Guidelines Text Text Text Text Text

15 Example Table Slide Presentation Guidelines Text Bullet 1 Bullet 2
TITLE 1 TITLE 2 TITLE 3 Text Bullet 1 Bullet 2 Bullet 3 Bullet 4 Point A Point B Point C

16 SmartArt Example [Insert – SmartArt]
Presentation Guidelines SmartArt Example [Insert – SmartArt] Early Adoption Maturing Best in Class

17 SmartArt Example [Insert – SmartArt]
Presentation Guidelines SmartArt Example [Insert – SmartArt] ROI 32% in 1 year Inventory Turns Doubled Scrap and Waste Down 13%

18 Sample 24 pt Text Box and Some Graphics You Can Use
Presentation Guidelines Sample 24 pt Text Box and Some Graphics You Can Use

19 Presentation Guidelines
Sample 20 pt bold Text Box and Some Graphics You Can Use

20 [Partner Name] Overview
[Partner Name] – Partner Overview Insert partner company logo here [Partner Name] Overview Select appropriate QAD partner logo below, remove others [Author, Date] Note: Be sure to add your company name, presenter’s name and presentation date. Add your logo, and only keep the QAD partner logo that is appropriate for you.

21 Topics Overview Solution +/or Services Overview
[Partner Name] Overview Topics Overview Solution +/or Services Overview Business Challenges Solved Who To Sell To & Value Customers & References Sales Process Qualifying Prospects Sales Considerations Support and Services Summary Note: Starting with this slide and throughout the remainder of your presentation, make sure the sub-title (top line of slide) has your company name. [Partner] Overview (1 slide) Solution Overview(1-2 slides) Business Challenges Solved (1 slide) Who To Sell To & Value (1-2 slides) Customers & References (1slide) Sales Process (1 slide) Qualifying Prospects (1 slide) Sales Considerations (1 slide) Support and Services (1-2 slides) Summary (1 slide) Total Slides not to exceed guidelines

22 [Partner Name]/QAD Partnership
[Partner Name] Overview [Partner Name]/QAD Partnership A strategic QAD solution partner since [year] [#] QAD customers worldwide [#]% annual customer retention Relationship [Example OEM (Cloud or On Premise) Sold by QAD Complementary Solution Partner (On Premise) Licensed by [Partner Name] QAD Distributors may also be [Partner Name] channel partners]

23 Solution Overview Solution: [Solution Name]
[Partner Name] Overview Solution Overview Solution: [Solution Name] [Elevator Pitch – words] Provides… Available for QAD Cloud ERP

24 Overview of [Partner Solution +/or Service]
[Partner Name] Overview Overview of [Partner Solution +/or Service] How does your solution fit with QAD? Provide diagram illustrating relationship

25 Business Challenges Solved
[Partner Name] Overview Business Challenges Solved Business Driver Customer Pain Industries High level overview of most common business drivers. What pain does this cause the customer? Which industries does this affect? (Auto, Life Sciences, Industrial, High Tech, CP, F&B) Example for Retrobilling: Volatility of copper, steel, aluminum, precious metals, petrochemicals Commodity price fluctuation adjustments Auto, Industrial, High Tech, CP, F&B Engineering changes required Part price renegotiation adjustment Auto, Industrial, High Tech, CP Customer expects manufacturer’s productivity gains Customer “give backs” adjustment Customer needs part/raw material before price negotiation completed Final price adjustment Note: Be sure to remove all text in this table, and replace it with the appropriate information for your solution (business drivers, customer pains and industries).

26 Who To Sell To & Value [Partner Name] Overview Who to Sell to Value
Who to sell to -- by title What’s the value by role? Example for Retrobilling: VP Sales Increases customer satisfaction by reducing lead time because you can continue shipping parts before price is final, while price is being negotiated. CFO Shortens time to cash and may reduce closing time because price adjustments can be made after shipment. VP Finance Reduce manual effort and improves accuracy. Note: Be sure to remove all text in this table, and replace it with the appropriate information for your solution (who to sell to and value).

27 Key QAD Customers & References
[Partner Name] Overview Key QAD Customers & References [List of QAD customers]

28 Qualifying Prospects for [Your Company Name]
[Partner Name] Overview Qualifying Prospects for [Your Company Name] What does the QAD Sales person need to know to help position your product or service to our customer? Vertical: [List verticals] Territory: [Provide territory, target market] Prospect is dissatisfied with: [xyz] Exceptions: [Markets to avoid, vertical to avoid, etc.)

29 Sales Considerations Sold by [QAD or Partner] Demo support Pricing
[Partner Name] Overview Sales Considerations Sold by [QAD or Partner] Use [standard QAD agreement or Partner agreement] Demo support Customer demos run by [QAD or Partner] Use [QPC (QAD’s demo center) or Partner demo environment] Pricing [Provide very high level pricing information] References [Who provides references – QAD or Partner]

30 Support and Services Support Services
[Partner Name] Overview Support and Services Support Front line provided by [QAD or Partner] Hours, SLA options Level 2 and 3 – [Partner] assists QAD Services Implementation done by [Partner or QAD or Partner qualified distributor) [Example - Consult with [Partner] directly for quote in sales cycle] [Example - Customization is available]

31 Summary Summarize presentation
[Partner Name] Overview Summary Summarize presentation What is the overall value proposition for customers? Major reasons customers are excited about your solution

32 For More Information … Presenter Name [Corporate website link]
[Partner Name] Overview For More Information … Presenter Name Phone number [Corporate website link] [Solution website link]

33 Presentation Guidelines
Thank You for your time and expertise to create this overview presentation!

34 [Partner Name] Overview
© QAD Inc

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