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Phase II: Primary Research

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1 Phase II: Primary Research
Sarah McCauley

2 Kelly Ko Dae Ad, San Francisco
Confirmations: Multi-Generational Home Parents Consulted About Major Life Choices/Purchases Need for Parental Approval, Make Parents Proud Logo Conscious/Brand Aware Status is Important

3 Sanders/Wingo

4 Corey Seaton Sander/Wingo Ad, Texas
Senior Art Director Dual Interview About AA Millennials Stressed Importance of Expressing Social Status/Image Brand Loyalty to Those That Resonate With Community All About Style

5 Greg Rogers Sander/Wingo Ad, Texas
Writer/ACD Apart of the “Insider Club” or “In the Know” of the Next Best Thing Rejecting Things Too Well Known Mobile, Desires Portability, Always on the Move Low Attention Span, Need Something to Play With

6 Interview Cont. Personalization, Memes
Changing the Way They See Themselves Do Not Want to Be Segregated By Ethnicity Transcending Race Advertised By Subcultures, Interests, and Peer Groups Universal Truisms Gentle Touch Smart About What is Being Sold to Them & How Unique Culture, Wants Unique Ads/Products/Services Insiders

7 Honda Wilde Sarasota Both Very Kind, Helpful, Willing to Answer Questions Toyota Complete Opposite

8 Collected From Places Like
Chase’s Surveys Collected From Places Like FB Friends In Tampa 2 Malls

9 Car Brands 1 1 4 8 1 2 7 2 2 6 1 2 1 1 1 5 3 2

10 More Info African American: 22 Single: 41 No Kids: 41 Male: 27
Hispanic: 18 Female: 23 Chinese: 10 Married: 9 Kids: 9 Single: 41 No Kids: 41

11 Ages 7- 18-20yr olds 10- 21-22yr olds 8- 23yr olds 7- 24-25yr olds

12 Most Important Factors
Price: 22 Quality/Reliability: 10 Safety Features: 4 Functionality: 4 Gas Mileage: 9 Other: 6 given by parents, wanted one. Design/Style: 17

13 Influences during Purchase
Family: 25 Internet: 6 car websites, craigslist Other: 11 Friends: 11 given by parents/work, wanted one. Advertisements: 6

14 Perceptions of Toyota Seen as having good gas mileage, reliable, Japanese, efficient, and affordable. The main negative perception is they are pricy.

15 Perceptions of Honda Seen as being safe, reliable, last long, efficient, and affordable. The main negative perception is they are boring.

16 Perceptions of Nissan Seen as fast, sporty, and stylish.
However, many people had no known opinion on Nissan, or thought of it as “a piece of plastic” or “mom car”

17 Perceptions of Ford Seen as country, american, and unreliable
“Fix Or Repair Daily”

18 Electric Vehicles For the most part, everyone thought it was a good idea but still too pricy. Also, some people made the point that electricity is not a renewable resource so electric cars are not the best option.

19 Most Used Feature Radio: 30 Mp3 Connection: 10 Cruise Control: 6
Other: 1 heated seats GPS: 8 Radio: 30 Bluetooth: 1

20 New or Used? Most people said used because of the price.
For those who said new there was a perception of less problems, no history, and less mileage.

21 9 Expert Interviews + 2 Sale People From Honda + 50 Surveys = 61People
Total: 9 Expert Interviews + 2 Sale People From Honda + 50 Surveys = 61People

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