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Spanish Civil War People and Parties

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1 Spanish Civil War People and Parties
Mr. Parker IBH1

2 Miguel Primo de Rivera Spanish General Seized power in a coup in 1923
Dictator Had plans for infrastructure development But economic crisis deepened

3 Niceto Alcala Zamora 1877-1949 Liberal Politician
Prime Minister - but resigned over the Constitution President of Spain Controversially dissolved the Cortes on several occassions Appointed Lerroux over CEDA Ousted by Popular Front in 1936 Spent much of the Civil War outside Spain Went into exile in Argentina

4 Alejandro Lerroux 1864-1949 Radical Republican Party
Controversial figure - opposed Catalan Nationalism Prime Minister of Spain 3 times in 2nd Republic Sept - Oct. 1933 Chosen PM because President did not want a CEDA PM. Fled to Portugal when war broke out

5 Manuel Azaña Prime Minister and President of the 2nd Republic PM and 1936 President Republican and Reformer Hostile to the Monarchy and the Catholic Church Seen as contributing to the Civil War as he refused to reign in the excesses of the Socialists and Communists - saw the only threats as coming from the Right and the military.

6 Jose Calvo Soleto Right wing politician and activist
Assassinated by Socialist forces His assassination is seen as “the spark” that started the Spanish Civil War

7 Santiago Casares Quiroga
Prime Minister in 1936 at time of the Coup Republican Left politician Galician nationalist Refused to arm the Republican civilians when war broke out. Fled to France and died in exile.

8 Generals Manuel Goded Llopis, Emilio Mola and Sanjurjo
All three were conservative leaders in the Spanish military. All three were planners and participants in the 1936 coup. All three died early in the war. Mola and Sanjurjo died in a plane crash in 1937 Llopis was captured by the Republicans and sentenced to death by firing squad.

9 General Francisco Franco
General and leader of the Falange Party Military experienced and leader of the Military Academy Participant in the 1936 Coup that started the Civil War Supreme military commander in Civil War Good relationship with Hitler and Mussolini

10 Francisco Largo Caballero
Socialist - PSOE and UGT Head of PSOE Prime Minister As PM focussed on unifying the Republican forces. Forced out of office in 1937 Fled to France at end of Civil War Arrested and sent to concentration camp. Died in Paris in 1946

11 Indalecio Prieto Tuero
Member of he PSOE - Socialist Minister of Defense during the Spanish Civil War Struggled to organise the Republican forces due to internal divisions Fled into exile. Died in Mexico

12 Juan Negrin Prime Minister of Spain from 1937-1939
Socialist - member of PSOE Cooperated with Communists Oversaw the Loyalist/Republican defeat in the Civil War Proposed two peace deals, rejected by Franco. Overthrown by an internal coup and fled to France. Died in exile.

13 Republicans The Republican or Loyalist faction
Defenders of the Second Republic in the face of the military coup Loose confederation of liberal, left wing and ethnic (Basque and Catalan) groups. POUM PSOE CNT UGT Popular Front International Brigades

14 Nationalists Or Nationalist Faction Rebel group
Coalition of right wing, nationalist and conservative groups Falange CEDA Army Civil Guard Condor Legion Supported by Hitler and Mussolini

15 Popular Front Centre-Left coalition to compete against CEDA
Came to power in 1936 election Their election led to Civil War Coalition included: PSOE Spanish Communist Party POUM Basque Nationalists Catalan Nationalists

16 CEDA Spanish Confederation of Autonomous Right Wing Groups
Formed during Second Republic to combat the liberal and left wing governments Saw itself as defensive organisation - defending Spain from Marxism Held rallies and called leader “Jefe” Participated in Spanish politics, but never strong enough to form government Welcomed the military coup, but was soon dissolved by Franco

17 Carlists A right wing political party Part of the Nationalist alliance
They were conservative They wanted a return to the Monarchy and supported the Catholic Church Merged with the Falange Party in 1936

18 UGT General Union of Workers Active in Spanish politics
Affiliated with PSOE

19 CNT Worker’s Organisation - originally based in Catalonia
More politically active than UGT Came into conflict with different governments during the Second Republic Emerged as a more radical alternative after 1933 During the Civil War it cooperated with the Republican faction Participated in government and military actions. Outlawed in 1939

20 PSOE Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party Founded In 1879
Marxist Party - pushed for huge changes in Spanish society, government and economy Participated in the Second Republic and the Popular Front Three divisions Radical revolutionary led by Caballero Moderate social democrat by Prieto Reform Participated militarily in Civil War Banned by Franco in 1939

21 POUM Worker’s Party of Marxist Unification Communist aligned party
Founded during the Second Republic in 1935 Grew larger than official Comm. Party Participated in Popular Front, but unable to push through their agenda members at height of Civil War George Orwell fought alongside POUM Driven underground after the Civil War

22 PSUC Socialist Party of Catalonia
Formed in 1936 after a merger of several Marxist groups in Catalonia Combined Socialism and Catalan nationalism Membership reached during the war Affiliated with the comintern Outlawed in 1939

23 Falange Right wing political party Founded in the 1930’s
Ultr-anationalist Militarist Promoted traditional values Opposed to Basque and Catalan nationalism Founded in the 1930’s Merged with Carlists in 1937 They were led by Francisco Franco Franco exerted control of the party and made it a leader in the Nationalist cause. With the end of the Civil War the Falangists formed the government in Spain.

24 International Brigade
International volunteers who fought on the side of the Republicans Made up of idealistic liberal and socialist individuals from many different nations The American division was known as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade An estimated followers served in the International Brigades

25 Condor Legion Luftwafte pilots and planes who served on the side of the Nationalists Estimated at 600 pilots and planes Carried out bombing raids, the most infamous being the raid on Guernica. Their participation was an important part of Hitler’s plans for WW2

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