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SENCLAND MOAA Board President Jim Brumit

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Presentation on theme: "SENCLAND MOAA Board President Jim Brumit"— Presentation transcript:

1 SENCLAND MOAA Board President Jim Brumit
1st Vice President Ken Klassen Secretary Bob Doleman Outreach Larry Wilson Public Affairs Ken Klassen 2nd Vice President Bob Philpott Treasurer Ron Tilmon Leadership & Scholarships Lee Hanna Webmaster Ken Klassen Programs Jim Jackson Chaplain Charles Lewis 3rd Vice President Chrissy Sanford Newsletter Brud Deas Special Events Coordinator Vacant Benefits & Resource Support Mimi Denton Service Directors USA: Paul Woodbury USN: Don Hill USAF: Ron Lafond USMC: Chuck Akstin USCG: Dave Prosser & Edward Grace USPHS: Dave Renquist Legislative Barry Coyle Membership & Recruiting Al Schroetel Surviving Spouse Liaison Nita Neumeister Historian Lee Hanna Social Committee Melinda Stewart Sandy Klassen Immediate Past President John Stewart POC JoAnn Doleman Appointed Positions Elected Positions As of 21 March 2017 Page 1

2 Elected Positions: Duties
President: Jim Brumit Preside at Board and general membership meetings Propose / implement measures and policies in support of Chapter goals Represent Chapter at National MOAA and NCCOC Meetings Host periodic NCCOC meetings when they occur in Wilmington Submit required reports to National MOAA and NCCOC Additional Duty: Store /maintain supply of representational gifts, flags, etc. 1st Vice President: Ken Klassen Acting President in the absence of President Assist the President in performance of duties as assigned Prepare for role as a future President 2nd Vice President: Bob Philpott Acting President in the absence of President & 1st VP Assist the President in performance of duties as assigned Prepare for role as a future President 3rd Vice President: Chrissy Sanford Acting President in the absence of President, 1st VP & 2nd VP Assist the President in performance of duties as assigned As of 21 March 2017 Page 2

3 Elected Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Service Directors USA: Paul Woodbury USN: Don Hill USAF: Ron Lafond USMC: Chuck Akstin USCG: Dave Prosser & Edward Grace USPHS: Dave Renquist Regular Duties: Submit information of Service interest to the Newsletter editor for publication. Assist the Membership & Recruiting Chair in: Recruiting new Chapter members Welcoming new and prospective members attending their first Chapter event Determining new contact information for current members Additional Duties: Make arrangements for Oak Island meetings (Chuck Akstin & Don Hill) As of 21 March 2017 Page 3

4 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Secretary: Bob Doleman Regular Duties: Record and distribute meeting minutes Handle outgoing USPS mail other than Newsletters Additional Duty: Liaison with New Hanover Veteran’s Council Treasurer: Ron Tilmon Assistant Treasurer: Gary Denton Regular Duties: File the Annual IRS Fm 990-n to maintain the Chapter’s non-profit (501c19) status Receive all checks and cash (dues, donations and luncheons) and deposit them Record payments received through PayPal Pay all obligations, including luncheon meetings, by check Maintain financial accounts using accounting software Send monthly Dues/Donations reports to Membership, Scholarship and Outreach Chairs. Send USPS / Address Changes to Membership Chair,  POC and Newsletter Editor Issue call for budget input from all Board members and prepare annual budget Advise Board of budget and expenditures at Board meetings Notify Newsletter Editor when sponsorship payments are received Additional Duties: Pick up mail at the PO Box Distribute incoming USPS mail (Official Business, etc. to the current president.) Receive reservations/payments for NCCOC meetings when SENCLAND Chapter is host Receive reservations/payments for annual picnic (if payments are made in advance) As of 21 March 2017 Page 4

5 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Programs: Jim Jackson Regular Duties: Arrange for guest speakers at all Chapter luncheons Send information on speakers and coming events to Newsletter & Website editors and POC Obtain an annual contract for luncheons at the Bluewater (dates & prices) Develop menu for each luncheon at the Bluewater Provide estimated guest headcount to Bluewater and alternate restaurants Note: Luncheons at Oak Island arranged by Don Hill or Chuck Akstin Reserve Picnic Shelter at Hugh McRae Park for June picnic Ensure that food order is placed and beverages are purchased for Picnic Additional Duty: Reservations for facilities when SENCLAND hosts NCCOC meeting Special Events Coordinator: Ed Sullivan Regular Duties: Plan, organize & conduct periodic Chapter special events such as: Evening social events, Field trips to historical sites, museums. etc. Special programs for group attendance; i.e. local & regional sports, Cultural & Arts performances Develop and publish a Special Events Calendar & send articles/inputs to the Newsletter & Website editors Assist the Program Coordinator as needed As of 21 March 2017 Page 5

6 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Membership & Recruiting: Al Schroetel Assistant: Dick Husemann Regular Duties: Maintain Chapter’s membership roster on a computer spreadsheet (Excel, etc.) Send updated roster to Board and Webmaster on a monthly basis Notify Newsletter Editor, POC and Webmaster of new members Prepare required NCCOC and National MOAA reports and review with President Report new members to MOAA National for recruiting program awards Report Chapter member deaths to MOAA National’s TAPs program Update Chapter’s database for MOAA National annually or when requested by National Receive update on rejects from POC and call member to get a good Prepare and send ( and USPS) 2 notices to members whose dues are delinquent Have Board members call those members who have not paid after 2 reminders. Drop members from roster if they have not paid dues after 3rd reminder Develop recruiting program and enlist Service Directors assistance in recruiting Develop and conduct periodic membership surveys Additional Duties: Identify Chapter Members (e.g. Korean War Veterans) for special recognition luncheon Store the Chapters coolers and purchase ice for annual picnic Prepare periodic organizational charts showing duties for each position Chair Working Groups as requested by President As of 21 March 2017 Page 6

7 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Outreach Program: Chair: Larry Wilson Committee: Charles Lewis Regular Duties: Develop & manage the Chapter Outreach Program Set annual goals and budget for Outreach program. Keep membership advised of the program activities and encourage donations Receive program donation data from the Treasurer and document that information on a spreadsheet. Provide the names of donors to the Newsletter editor & Webmaster on a monthly basis (Note: This task may be handled by both Chairs or just by one of them) Maintain liaison with Scholarship Program Chair and coordinate on that program’s goals Receive grant applications and lead review by Outreach Committee. Present grant program proposed awards to Chapter President for final decision Award grants as budgeted on a yearly basis and publicize results Leadership & Scholarship Programs: Lee Hanna Maintain liaison with High School Jr ROTC Instructors Develop & manage annual Leadership Budget for award medals and order them from MOAA Coordinate presentation of Leadership Awards Provide Leadership Awards information to the Public Affairs & Website Editor Receive program donation data from the Treasurer and document that information on a spreadsheet. Provide the names of donors to the Newsletter editor & Webmaster on a monthly basis (Note: This task may be handled by both Chairs or just by one of them) Set annual goals and budget for Scholarship Program Receive and review scholarship applications and set up interviews Determine annual scholarship numbers and amounts based on available funds Make arrangements & issue invitations to annual Scholarship Award program Provide Scholarship winner information to the Public Affairs officer, Newsletter & Website Editors As of 21 March 2017 Page 7

8 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Benefits and Resource Support Committee: Chair: Mimi Denton Assistant: Nita Neumeister POC for Military benefits and entitlements Assist Chapter members and their spouses who are seeking health related support services for themselves or a family member. Provides advice on VA, MOAA and community based resources to address health related and death benefit issues. (Combine with Personal Affairs & VA Benefits) Advise and assist Chapter members & spouses on VA applications and matters Advise Webmaster, Newsletter Editor & Auxiliary Chair of important benefit changes Interface for Chapter and membership with National MOAA’s Benefits and Financial Information Department As of 21 March 2017

9 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Legislative: Barry Coyle Assistant: Vacant Regular Duties: Research and analyze proposed NC and National legislation Advise the Board & membership (through the Newsletter, Website or ) of the impact of proposed or enacted NC and National legislation Maintain liaison with MOAA National and NCCOC Legislative Affairs office Establish working relationship with local & regional elected officials Alert the Membership of the need to contact their elected Representatives Provide appropriate input to POC and the Newsletter & Website editors Chaplain: Charles Lewis Assistant Chaplain: Vacant Regular Duties: Provide Invocation at Chapter meetings Prepare condolence letters for family members of deceased Chapter members Monitor Obituary Column and notify Membership Chair of deaths Alert the President and 1st VP of the need for representation at memorial services Alert the President and 1st VP of the need to arrange hospital visits As of 21 March 2017 Page 8

10 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Public Affairs: Ken Klassen Regular Duties: Maintain contact with area TV and Newspaper POCs Provide meeting information, newsworthy articles and pictures to area media (Star News, St. James, Compass Pointe, Brunswick Forest, Wrightsville Beach Lumina News & Carolina Beach Gazette). Take pictures at Chapter events for Chapter Website and other media Additional Duties: Maintain and set-up audio and PowerPoint for luncheons & picnic presentations Webmaster: Ken Klassen Regular Duties: Develop and maintain the Chapter website Execute annual contracts with ISP and oversee those contracts Develop and maintain links with MOAA NCCOC Website Solicit and post website content from Board and General Membership Post membership roster provided by Membership Chair on a monthly basis As of 21 March 2017 Page 9

11 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
POC: JoAnn Doleman Alternate: Vacant Regular Duties: Develop and maintain Chapter electronic mailing / distribution list and capability Update list each month as new information is received from Membership Chair Send correspondence (Newsletters, event announcements, etc.) to Chapter members Receive Luncheon RSVPs from members Advise Program Chair of RSVP numbers who will make arrangements with restaurants (Don Hill or Chuck Akstin for Oak Island luncheon) Provide the Social Chair RSVPs for luncheons so that meal selection and payment spreadsheets can be prepared Provide RSVP list to Membership chair so that new guests can be identified Prepare menu selection colored tabs for Bluewater luncheons Prepare temporary nametags for luncheons and picnic Notify Membership Chair of any rejects Historian: Lee Hanna Assistant: Vacant Regular Duties: Maintain Chapter history Provide “Corporate memory” As of 21 March 2017 Page 10

12 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Newsletter Editor: Brud Deas Regular Duties: Get input from Board members and produce newsletter (deadline 15th of each month) Send electronic file of newsletter to POC and Website Editor by 20th of each month Get Newsletter printed and mailed to USPS addresses in the database Surviving Spouse Liaison: Juanita (Nita) Neumeister Regular Duties: Establish and maintain communications with Chapter surviving spouses Monitor and advocate for legislation to assist military spouses Additional Duties: Member of the NC Council of Chapters Auxiliary Member Advisory Committee Support the annual NHC “Veterans Stand Down” event As of 21 March 2017 Page 11

13 Appointed Positions: Duties & Business Flow
Social Chair: Melinda Stewart & Sandy Klassen Regular Duties: Purchase and prepare decorations for luncheons, picnic and special events Staff, or arrange for staffing, the check-in and menu selection desk at luncheons Conduct the 50/50 raffles at luncheons Arrange for catered food at picnic Miscellaneous Duties Nametags: Brud Deas Receive requests for Permanent nametags (plastic) Purchase and distribute nametags Store /maintain electronic hardware: Ken Klassen Immediate Past President: John Stewart Regular Duties: Provide “Corporate memory” Additional Duties: As requested by the current President As of 21 March 2017 Page 12

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