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Debating A ‘How To…’ Guide

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Presentation on theme: "Debating A ‘How To…’ Guide"— Presentation transcript:

1 Debating A ‘How To…’ Guide

2 Content /40 The arguments As if presented with it on paper POIs

3 Style /40 Confidence Articulation Emotive Rhetoric Fluent Clear

4 Strategy /20 Engagement with opposition Focus on issues Structure
Timing Teamwork

5 FIRST SPEAKERS Proposition (Agree) Opposition (Disagree) Define Motion
Briefly outline team’s main points Introduce 1 or 2 key arguments Re-iterate Team line Briefly outline team’s main points Rebut P1 Introduce 1 or 2 key arguments Re-iterate Team line

6 SECOND SPEAKERS Proposition (Agree) Opposition (Disagree) Rebut O1
Rebuild prop case Introduce 1 or 2 arguments Re-iterate Team line Rebut P2 Rebuild opp case Introduce 1 or 2 arguments Re-iterate Team line

7 THIRD SPEAKERS Proposition (Agree) Opposition (Disagree) Rebut O2
Rebuild prop case No new arguments Identify case issues Why prop is stronger Team line Rebut P3 Rebuild opp case No new arguments Identify case issues Why opp is stronger Team line

8 REPLY SPEECHES Opposition (Disagree) Proposition (Agree)
Biased summary of debate ½ time of other speeches Strongest speaker Biased summary of debate ½ time of other speeches Strongest speaker

WHAT IS YOUR MODEL? KEY ARGUMENTS (PLAN BACKWARDS) SIGNPOSTING PREPARE CONTENT, STYLE, STRATEGY 4 min speeches 4 speakers per team Use scripts to help structure Team line Active listening Depth of content, examples and evidence from arguments and research CONTENT (WHAT): STRATEGY (HOW): PRESENTATION (PVLEGS): Convincing arguments Well-organised speech Clear speech Confident eye contact/body /face Valid examples and facts Lots of persuasive rhetoric Discrediting rebuttals Interesting intonation Time well-used

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